Q&A with Team WB Fitness: 6/21/18

This week’s question comes from AKC author Jak.  Jak asks:

What are alternative exercises that one can do to work the same muscles used in deadlifts? I world think kettlebell swings would be quite similar but with added movement in the shoulders.

WB Fitness: Like J.Nyx,  have to agree with Lou. Other than 2 lifts there is always a way around, but the deadlfit and the squat simply cannot be replaced.

That said, sometimes we just don’t have access to equipment and, of course, this doesn’t mean we just give up.

I would suggest doing a circuit to get around this. The circuit I propose would be a 12 rep 5 lift circuit with no time between lifts (make sure you stations are set out ahead of time. Once complete with all reps give yourself 1 minute and go through it again. You would do the circuit a total of 5 times through.

Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (12 on each side alternating)

Weighted Hyper Extensions


Dumbbell Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats

Kettlebell Swing with Tension Band

Hip Thrusters (see this WB Classic article )

This circuit, done 5 times through, will be a great work out. Further, it will work most of the muscles that a deadlift works. What it will not do is fully substitute a strict barbell deadlift. However, without access to the equipment, this wold be a reasonable alternative.



Lou Skunt:There is really no alternative to the traditional deadlift. No single movement can work more muscles at one time. However, for those who don’t have access to a full gym, or maybe they have an injury, I have a few exercises that can effectively target the lower / mid back in a safe manner and with little or no equipment:
– Romanian / Stiff Leg Deadlift with a barbell, dumbbell or kettleball.
– Good Mornings with a barbell.
– Hyperextensions. If you don’t have a way to secure your heels, have somebody sit on the back of your legs while you perform the exercise elevated above the ground, hanging over the edge of a bed, couch, table, etc.
– Squats and Walking Lunges will also stimulate the lower / mid back muscles.
Best of luck!


J. Nyx:  I have to agree with Lou, no real substitute to deadlifts.  You can do the accessories that target all the muscles used in the lift, but there is a different dynamic when you’re using them all in one lift.  Just like a push up doesn’t equal a bench press, a kettlebell swing does not equal a deadlift.