Time for the next in our series of posts detailing the lifts we will be doing this season. Today’s entry is arms and I know you guys are itching to get those guns back. The following are the lifts that we will be doing this season to make sure those lead pipes are looking their best and are at their strongest. Please pay close attention to form. Arm exercise form is some of the most often fucked up.

Triceps Extension (Seated)
Triceps Extension (Standing)
DB Curl
Barbell Curl
EZ Bar Curl
DB Curl (Seated)
Cable Curl (Straight Bar)
Concentration Curl
Barbell Reverse Curl
Triceps V Bar Pushdown
Skull Crusher
Triceps Straight Bar Pushdown
Triceps Kickback
DB Reverse Curl
DB Incline Curl
Hammer Curl
Guillotine Curl
Reverse Cable Curl
Rope Pushdowns


  1. Triceps Extensions: Whether seated or standing triceps extensions will have the same form. Just remember that if you are seated you really need to keep your posture in check. Also, and I will mention this several times throughout this post, the triceps have three muscle heads and the biceps have two. Not only does this mean that there is more possible size on the triceps than the biceps but also, if you want symmetry you will need to hit your triceps roughly 33% more than your biceps. Here is a quality video on how to properly execute the triceps extension.

2) Dumbbell Curls. So easy right? No, no no. I have to say that a solid 80% of the people I see in the gym are incorrectly performing their dumbbell curls in one or another way and almost all of them doing it in such a way that not only are they no getting the full impact of the lift but are likely heading towards future injury. The big  take aways in curling are a super tight grip on the bar, a stretch of the triceps at the bottom of the lift, a slow, controlled motion going up, elbows stay at the sides, supination of the hand and at the top of the motion contract the bicep. This video is an excellent tutorial.

These rules will go for all dumbbell and barbell curls. Remember, body stays still, hand squeezes tight, the curl is slow, your elbows should be pinned to your sides and a flex at the top. If you can’t complete the reps like this, lower the weight. Your biceps do not know how much weight the dumbbell is, all they know is the resistance put on them and you can create far more resistance with a properly executed curl using a dumbbell half the weight of a poorly executed curl. This is why Kai Greene is often seen doing his arm workouts curling 30 pound dumbbells. Send me the picture where you have bigger arms than Kai and we will talk about more weight. In the meantime, watch this video which uses curling as a jumping point for explaining the difference between weightlifters and bodybuilders and, more than that, forms the cornerstone how the WB program is informed. If I had to point to one video and say it is the single most important video to watch and understand regarding the art, science and sport of bodybuilding it would be this one. It’s value cannot be overstated.


3) Concentration Curls: While the dumbbell curls tips and videos should cover most all curls including variations of dumbbell curls, striaght bar curls and EZ Curls, Concentration Curls deserve special mention because of the drastically different position and form. Concentration Curls are THE curl for bicep peak size and you are going to want to do them very, very well. This video from is a very good one.

4) Reverse curls are also an important part of this program and it is very important that we do them right. Once again, while I can’t fucking stand Scott Herman, he really does know his stuff and his video on reverse curling is excellent.

5) And for V bar pushdowns…arg, Herman again

I really am sorry for these videos, but as much as I try to find them some of the lifts we are doing are just really well detailed by Herman.


6) Skullcrushers: The skullcrusher is, I believe, the king of outer head tricep development and needs to be in any serious arm workout. Here is a good video on form. Notice he uses suicide grip. There will be an article on this coming up soon as I am going to suggest that, where possible, we are using suicide grip even if it means sacrificing weight.

7) Hammer Curls. Now i know you jackoffs have been working your hammer curls every day since you were 12, but we all need help with form. I love this video. Not only is it an excellent video showing how to properly do the hammer curl to work your bicep and your formarm, but it is also yet another amazing show at how you need to not give a fuck about the weight, but only about the resistance on the muscle and the goals.

8) Another new addition to the WB Program methodology are guillotine curls. You guys are gonna love this.

9) Barbell 21s. Finally with arms we are bringing in a blast from the past. Back before WB when I was just training NYX we did these all the time and loved them and in the first two seasons they made their way in. I left them after, but am getting back to seeing their value not only in arm development and hypertrophy, but also, when done correctly, in core strength. Get on these fucks. They burn like hell. You will love them.

This is all for the arm workouts. Please use the comments section below or message me if you have further questions. We needs to be doing these things and we need to do them right. Every day that passes is a day closer to game time. Let’s be ready. It’s almost time to grind. The next article will be inclusive of the Shoulder workouts for the season.