100 Days

In 100 days it will be July 4th.  Out of all holiday’s I cant think of a better one than July 4th for team WB Fitness.  Not because we’re uber patriotic but because its worth celebrating.,  (After all we are not Communists) Its worth celebrating because its the suns out guns out holiday of summer.  Its the day you get to rock your beater (or shirtless for ultimate chad mode) and show off your hard work.  Are we there yet?  I dont know about all of you, but Im not yet, but this is okay.  We’re mid-way through Phase 2 and I’m hoping you guys are feeling this shit the way I am.  The routine is starting to make changes that are noticeable inside and outside the gym. 


WB is a mad scientist but I have to say this year is the defining moment since I’ve known him.  This program is nuts but its working.  People are noticing the guy still going at it on the weights when they started AFTER you and left BEFORE you.  In speaking to WB last week “This is where we go from being guys working out in a gym, to LOOKING like guys who workout in a gym”

Lets do this shit.  July 4th is not the end, (by a long shot) of the program, but I find that small goals help fuel our larger ones.  We gonna be beater ready in about a month or so and by July 4th we’re gonna be looking and feeling great.  In this next 100 days, Im going to be like a monk.  Nothing distracting me from training, diet and doing what we’re all here to do.  Keep that goal in your head.

This change is slow, but keep looking back on where we started.

100 days.


J. Nyx