Fuck Your 1RM

All over the interwebs and sometimes even in real life you hear people talking about their 1RM.  For those of you who dont know what this is, it stands for your one rep max.  This is how much weight you can lift for one single rep or in our lingo, a RPE of 1.  Let that sink in a bit.  From day 1 we’ve talked about lifting at a 9.5 RPE which means that whatever number of reps you’re doing, you got to the last one and were unsure about getting another rep.  For example, if you’re doing bench presses for a set of 10, the 10th rep was done correctly (slow, mind muscle, contract and release etc) but there is enough doubt in your mind that you’d fail the next rep.  This is how you determine what weight to use as well.  If you’re benching 150 for 10 reps and you’re burning out at 8 the weight is too heavy.   If you’re getting 10 reps in and know you could have done even 2 more, its too light.  Dial it in


This should never be your face on the first rep

Getting back to 1RM, so many guys hold it as the holy grail of achievement.  I’m not knocking it, because deadlifting 800lbs even one time is an impressive feat that I will never accomplish.  We’re not here to do that.  Remember we’re not weightlifters.    We dont give a fuck about how much weight is on the bar nor that you can pick it up one time.  Truth is, Most people who can Deadlift 350lbs 1 time would die trying to deadlift 205lbs 10×10 like we do.


If you’re here to build muscle, you give fuck all about your 1RM.  It should be the furthest thing from your mind as you’re in the iron temple.


J. Nyx