Favorite LIfts: Behind the Back Shrugs

Feels good to be posting here again.  I’m getting back into my favorite lifts series here and today we’ll go over one that I have been doing in the off season.


Behind The Back Shrugs:  WB Fitness author Lou Skunt actually recommended these to me and I love them.   I have to say when you add them in on a day where you do regular barbell or dumbell shrugs, you will instantly feel why these are important to trap development.  No other shrug varation seems to murder your traps quite like these do.  Traps are one of my weak points, so I’ll be doing barbell front, dumbbell side, and then these in super/giant sets.


  1. Set the bar up on the safeties and load up plates you can do your 9.5 RPE on
  2. Grab the bar pronated with the bar behind your back
  3. Lift the bar off the safeties and do the shrugs. NO CIRCLES, straight up and down, hold the shrug at the top of the lift and remember to go slowly.  So many people do these rapid fire shrugs and fuck it up. Don’t hunch over or too far back when doing the motion. Get that mind muscle connection going and squeeze those traps at the top of the lift.
  4. Lower the bar back down to the starting position, and repeat.


Add these in the next day you’re doing shoulders/back and let us know how you like them.


Trust The Process,


-J. Nyx