A Dumbbell is my Therapist

Its off season, sure I get it.  After WB’s season closing post, there isnt much to say, but as any of you that have been following my writing for any number of time know, my articles are an outlet for things I’m experiencing or feeling.  For this site, it has to do with fitness and nutrition.  Those two topics are pretty consistent on any fitness site, but there is a third benefit, one that not many people realize.  You may not realize, but lifting makes you better mentally.



I realized this while at the gym this morning.  I’m having a very highly stressful time in my personal life.  Nothing serious, but a lot going on and a lot to get together. My sleep was affected by stress last night, but I still got up and went to the gym.  I was working chest today, and the second I started pressing the bar, the stress drifted away.  Instantly my mood changed.  For the hour and a half I was in the gym, I was free from the world.  Free from the bullshit of other people. Just me, the weight and a test to see how much I could handle.  I remember last season, texting WB as I left the gym saying “We’ll Im done, time for the best part of my day to be over.”


Not that I dont have things in life that bring me joy, but I think all of us on the team actually love being in the gym, training hard and making ourselves better.  I see people all over the internet bitching and complaining that they need motivation to go to the gym.  They hate being there, and its “hard” for them to get there.  This does not compute to me.  I spend every last second I can in there.  Some people eat their problems away, while others talk to a shrink, but there is a definite mental aspect to lifting to get you out of a funk.  Furthermore, when I have a great training session, the little bullshit of the day bothers me less. I feel more equipped to destroy any problem of the day.  Going back to last season, I was chatting with WB and Red Hood’s Assault, when I said “Who knew that moving hundreds of pounds of iron at 4 am would be the easiest part of my day”  Not to say it was easy, but it definitely did positive things for my mind.   This isn’t a hobby, its a lifestyle, and once you start, you cant stop, and I wouldn’t even think of trying.


Next season will be here soon enough.  What are you guys doing in the off season? Drop a comment below


Trust The Process,


-J. Nyx