Holy shit, what the hell is this year. 2020 started off normal enough for us here, WB providing us with what was the greatest season yet, WB Fitness Season 4: Raw Masculinity. Like many of you, I once again started this season hyped and ready to crush it….
Then the world went to shit. Gyms closed, offices and schools closed, and IMO the world changed overnight. Who knows if it will ever return to “normal” but I’m not here to discuss world events or politics, we’re here to discuss fitness, specifically bodybuilding. I know many of you are saying “but J. Nyx, you have a home gym, you’ve not been affected?”
You may be right, and I guess I took the bitch way out and made excuses. I continued to lift and make some progress, but my heart wasnt in it. Part of what makes our little corner of the interwebs fun is the community. Not some faggy Crossfit stuff but in how we hold each other accountable, which we then hold ourselves accountable.
I know many of you still do not have access to a gym at all, but I want us to regroup here. I want to get back on this shit. WB and I talked about how we were flawed in thinking in previous years that we can just slack of in the off season, eat like lard asses and then burn it all off/build muscle in the next season. Sure it works, but we can be better.
Starting in July, I began a very restrictive diet and cardio program. I want to shed fat and I am. As of this posting, I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol 3 weeks and I’ve dropped 10 lbs and my body fat percentage by 1.5%. In years past, I was still drinking and making “cheat days” but I’ve realized that my metabolism and build dictates that I gain fat or lose it quickly. So thinking I can drink while still eating 3k+ calories a day and not gain a ton of fat is retarded.
As of right now I am not lifting at the moment. I’m sitting at 17.1% bodyfat. The goal is to get to 10%, then begin a true lean bulk. For those out of the loop a lean bulk is when you increase calories to build muscle, but you only go over your TDEE by about 300-350 calories a day. This minimizes fat gain. Progress will be a little slower, but it will still happen.
Oh and if you fuckers thought just because WB isn’t around that shit will be easy, think again. Once I begin lifting in again September, I’m going to post my absolutely insane (remember Season 3’s phase 7-8) routine. I learned a lot from WB and hopefully I’ll be doing him some justice by continuing what I learned.
This is pre-season shed time. I will begin lifting again September 7th, going into lean bulk season. I plan on lifting like a mad man from Sept-March to bulk, then we’ll cut from March-July and then do maintenance mode in July/August. You can expect:
Sept 2020 – March 2021: Lean bulk, full on bodybuilding programs. We’re going to pack on the muscle here, trying to stay lean as possible
but eating enough for muscle growth and doing some cardio.
April 2021-July 2021: Cut time. Time to shed whatever fat we have gained and reveal our hard work. We will reduce our calories over TDEE to 100-200 calories and be doing cardio 4 times a week.
July/August 2021: Maintenance Mode: We will focus on our weaknesses. All of us have weakpoints and we’ll be training them during these months to prep for the next season. If your biceps take forever to grow, or you have small calves, this is the time to blast that shit. We will be eating at maintenance for this mode.
Lastly if anyone is not on the WB fitness telegram channel, let me know in the comments. We’ll get you added in.
I miss you fucks, lets get back to killing it.
-J . Nyx