Team WBF Weekend Challenge 8: Trial and Error

First off let me say, for all of you who have stuck with me now these first two months, well done. I know it hasn’t been easy, I know you are sore, I know you are tired. Keep it up, you should be seeing some early results now and really we are just getting started.

I’ve often talked with J.Nyx about how while we start in January, April 1st is really the start. Jan is

You can make all the excuses you want, you can talk about genetics, about the freedom to focus only on the gym and even about drug use but the truth is….at the end of the day Jay Cutler was an absolute beast, a brilliant bodybuilder, a good guy and worked his ass off. You will never be Jay Cutler Sized…but that doesn’t mean that applying what he knows about the body to yourself and trying to emulate his work ethic won’t take you to the absolute best you can be.

a wake up. We are washing away the cobwebs from the off period. February is when we really start to key in our schedules and our bodies begin to get used to the fact that we are going to torture them for a bit. March should see us trim down and start looking like people who are in the gym a bunch. Then in April is when we really look to go from what we are to something special. It is right at our doorsteps guys, so congratulations on getting this far but try to remember that this is all the lead up to where we really start pushing.

One quick note of business, I am going to start writing form articles on particular lifts and maybe even getting some video if I can. I feel there are a ton of details that go into each and every lift and I want to get as much info out there as possible. I am going to do 3 lifts per post. I am already working on side lat raises and dumbbell shrugs. It would be very helpful to me if you would message me or leave in the comments lifts that you would like have broken down and explained.

Moving on to the challenge, speaking of needing some help from you guys, as you know the mark of success in this life is being willing and able to make changes on the fly. Static adherence to anything doesn’t allow for the subtleties we only learn about while we are in the thick of things.

That said, I am thinking of making some changes to phases 5, 6 and 7 of the program. I do,

Don’t forget to eat. The fat will take care of itself. You need food to grow muscle.

however, need some hands on data. So this weekends challenge is going to be a full, advanced bodybuilding workout. I really need you guys not just to do this work out but give me as much feedback as possible on it….the timing, how you felt anything that struck you. This is your program as much as it is mine and the more input you give me here the more the dynamic flow of customization will work for all of us.

The way advanced bodybuilding split would work is that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you work Chest, Back, Legs, Calves and abs (workout 1) and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you work out Shoulders, Arms, Calves and Abs (workout 2). The challenge this weekend is to do workout 2 as listed below.

Like with Cutler, Ed Corney worked himself nearly to death. Quitting wasn’t an option. The absolute mass on him is there, like in all body building both classic and modern, to show the human body in an exaggerated way. That you have no plans to be an IFBB pro, become Mr. Universe or hoist a Sandow over your head does NOT mean that what these guys have to teach you isn’t valuable. I will never throw a 100 mph fastball…that doesn’t mean I can’t learn how to pitch by listening to what Nolan Ryan has to say. Do not make excuses. Learn everything you can and apply it to yourself. Find out where your absolute best is.

WBF Weekend Challenge Advanced Bodybuilding Workout Split #2

Behind The Neck Barbell Press 15, 10, 8, 8, 6

Lat Raises 4×8

Bent over DB Laterals 4×8

Dumbbell Shrugs 3×10

Standing Barbell Curl 15, 10, 8, 6, 4

Incline Dumbbell Curl 4×8

Concentration Curls 3×8

Lying Triceps Extension (skullcrushers) 15, 10, 8, 6, 4

Triceps Cable Pressdown 3×8

One-Arm Triceps Extension 3×10

Barbell Wrist Curl 4×10

Reverse Wrist Curl 3×10

Seated Calf Raises 4×10

Reverse Crunch 4×25

Seated Twists (Russian Twists) 100 per side

Vertical Bench Crunches 4×25


So give this a shot, get me your feed back and lets get our asses in gear. 13 days until suns out guns out and come Monday we will already have workout and diet for phase 4 to look over!


Grind on!