Phase 3: de l’audace, encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace

Well here we are, the last week of phase two. How are you guys feeling? Ready to switch to phase three next week? I hope so, because phase three is no fucking joke. The first two phases were beginners splits: first a whole body split and then an upper/lower. I think I got a lot out of them and I hope you did too, but it is time to stop fucking around with the kids games and get into the meat and potatoes that is the WBF Raw Aggression program.

We have been working, but we haven’t been Phil “The Gift” Heath working….yet

A couple hundred years ago when the French still had some remnants of their balls there was a fellow named George-Jacques Danton. A statesman and one of the architects of the French Revolution, Danton was was one of these all around bad asses. So much so that he was considered a hero by none other than General George Patton who quoted Danton’s famous claim on how he was going to take Paris.

When told by his superiors that he needs to take care to protect his flanks Patton said “my flanks are something for the enemy to worry about, not me. Before he finds out where my flanks are, I’l be cutting the bastard’s throat” and then, quoting Danton, summed up his philosophy of tank warfare and indeed warfare in general: de l’audace, encoure de l’audace, et toujour de l’audace. That is, the way to win is “audacity, more audacity and always audacity.”

This idea of audacity, more audacity and always audacity really sums up the jump from phase 2-3. Unlike the move from phase 1-2 which was noticeable but subtle, this one is going to be big. I am going to go out and make a bold claim. If you have been keeping consistent with your workouts and your diet and do so for phase three you WILL notice big changes in your body by the end of the three weeks that phase represents. This is going to hurt fellas. I won’t lie. You will be sore. Tackle this program with audacity.

For phase three we are adding a new notation to our workouts. This is not a standard notation,

If you work out with a training partner, either regularly or occasional, use that opportunity to get forced reps out. Have them spot you and let yourself go to absolute failure. Then have them help you with the weight just enough so you can barely move it and keep repeating as you get to failure.

but one that Nyx came up with to solve a problem I was having and I think it works great. The new notation is a plus sign after the rep ranges “+” When you see a + after the rep range, and you will see it a lot, that means that the sets are drop sets. So if you see 3×6+ @9.5 RPE it means you want to really do your best to lock in the right weight for the 6th rep to be 9.5RPE. After that you are going to lighten the weight (either by removing it from the bar, going to a lighter dumbbell or lowering the weight on the stack etc) and go until failure. Then lower again and go to failure again. It is not until you fail all the way down the line to the lightest weight that the first set is over. This will mean a lot of extra reps. It will also mean a lot more lean muscle gain and fat loss. You guys got on this program to do something special, here is the start of where you really are going to be put to the test to see if you want it.

Remember, if it were easy to get these bodies every single person would have them. I am not saying the first two phases were easy, they weren’t, but compared to the work we are about to put in and the fact that we will be doing a drop set on nearly every lift, you will look back at phase 1 and 2 as if they were child’s play.

Rather than a full body or upper lower split, this time we will be doing a very standard bodybuilder split called Push/Pull/Legs. Push/Pull/Legs has been around for a really long time and there is a reason, it works. It is a really audacious, really aggressive and really grueling split that will work every part of your body, but at the same time allow for enough rest time between body parts for muscle growth. I hope you guys are ready and you are dedicated because it is time to see what Team WB is made of and, at the end of this phase (which doesn’t just accidentally correspond with the start of Spring) we will see who is standing and what they look like.

Push through this fellas, I can’t even begin to explain how much, for all the blood sweat and tears you shed, you will thank me for it after.

Also, keep in mind, this is only the first half of the program. Phase 8 is also a Push/Pull/Legs and when you are thinking this one is hard, keep in mind that you aren’t even in the majors yet.

So, without further ado, I give you Team WB Fitness Phase

Phase 3 Push/Pull/Legs


Monday: Push

  1. Bench Press 3×6+
  2. Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×8+
  3. Incline DB Bench Press 3×10
  4. Side Lat Raise 3×12+
  5. Triceps Push Down 2×10+
  6. OH Triceps Ext 2×8+
  7. 45 Min Stair Climber


Tuesday: Pull

  • Bent Over Row 3×6
  • Pull-ups (try adding weight) 3×6
  • DB Shrugs 3×10+
  • Face Pulls 2×12+
  • Barbell Curls 2×8+
  • DB Hammer Curls 2×8+
  • Concentration Curls 2×8+
  • 45 Minutes Stairs


Wednesday: Legs

  • Squat 3×6
  • Romanian DL 2×10
  • Leg Press 2×12+
  • Leg Curl 2×12+
  • Leg Ext 2×12+
  • Calf Raise 2×12+
  • Hanging Leg Raise 2×15
  • Side Oblique Crunches with Plate 2×10



Thursday: Push (30 Jumping Jacks Between Sets)

  • Flat Bench Bench Press 3×12+
  • Close Grip Bench 2×10
  • Standing Shoulder Press 3×15+
  • DB Lat Raise 2×15
  • DB Front Raise 2×15
  • Cable Crunch 3 sets to fail+
  • 45 Min Stair Climber


Friday: Pull

  • Deadlift 3×15
  • 2 DB Row 3×10
  • Wide Grip Pull-up 3 to failure
  • DB Curls (Supinated) 3×18
  • DB Concentration Curls 3×10
  • 45 Min Stair Climber


Saturday: Legs

  • Squat 3×10
  • Leg Ext 3×15+
  • Leg Curl 3×15+
  • Butt Blaster (or Glute Bridge) 3×15+
  • Calf Raise 3×15+
  • Squat 2×10
  • Cardio 45 Min


Sunday: WBF Weekend Challenge / Active Rest