WHAT!?!? Weekend Challenge 5? We are coming to an end of week 5? This means next week is the last week of phase two. On Monday (maybe Tuesday because of the holiday) you will be getting the phase 3 plan. I can’t stress it enough, this is where we start getting really fucking serious.

Pretty soon we will have the first day of spring. March 19. This means that Spring begins during phase 3. Are you fucking ready for spring? I am not, but I will be. I can feel it in my bones. I feel things starting to gel. The cobwebs from our off season are all but shaken off, at least in terms of the muscles.

What we have done here in phases 1 and 2 has really just been the primer. Phase three is where things are going to start getting fucking hard and with them getting hard comes the benefits of that. Are you ready?

This week’s challenge is one that will begin the road to preparing you for phase 3 and, in fact, the rest of the phases through our 30 week program. This weekend I want you guys to do a run the rack set and a drop set.

Running the rack and drop sets are very much a part of the golden age body builder routine and will begin to become an enormous part of the WBF program. You will come to hate them….and love their results….this I can promise.

Our first set will be a drop set super set.

We will do this superset at 5×12+

The plus is going to indicate a drop set. This is a marking JNYX came up with and not standard bodybuilding notation so you may not find it online, but I like the “+” notation and have added it into the WBF repertoire.


So what is 5×12+

Well go to the cables and prepare your cable curl. Put the pin into the weight you believe you will be good for 12 reps at a 9.5 RPE

Set up your stance, grab the bar and do your 12 reps. Then, when you are done, immediately move the pin to one weight lower and get back into stance and do the curls to failure. Upon absolute failure move the pin one more notch lighter and go to absolute failure again. Move the pin another notch and go again to failure. Each time you fail move the pin a notch lighter and go to failure all the way down until there is no weight at all. That is one set. Now it is time for the second set. Do the same. 5 sets of 12+ and your biceps and triceps should be total toast.

Cable Curls


Triceps Pushdown


Since you now have your biceps and triceps totally toasted out, this is a very good time to hit your chest. Go to a bench at the dumbbells. Here, similar to a drop set, we are going to do a set where we keep lowering the weight and going to failure. This one is what Arnold calls Running The Rack. What he means by this is that after you hit failure with your dumbbells you move to the next lighter set of dumbbells to failure. Over and over you get lighter and lighter until you reach the end of the weights. The notation we will use for a rack run is a lowercase “r”

Dumbbell Bench Press 5x10r


Good luck guys and really put your back into this last week of phase 2. Phase 3 is on deck and there is no more mollycoddling….its time to get your asses in shape.


Get that grind on and if you are fucking around with your diet, your water, your workouts, your measurements or your mindset this is the time to get your house in order. TEAM WBF will not allow for excuses. The map is there. Get on the road.