Phase 2: Diet

Hello Team!

Yesterday I posted the workout for phase two that we start next Monday. I hope you all have started looking it over. Now that you are starting to enjoy these full body split workouts, it is time to shock your body into something new. As we ramp up and change splits you should be

How I’m gonna be feeling when I start getting the messages telling me I am an evil fucking bastard.

feeling DOMS all over again and in weeks 3-6 you should start seeing some subtle changes as you prepare for phase 3 which will, I promise you, knock you on your fuckin’ ass. I promise you guys every year that I will turn you into gods or corpses and this year I am more focused than ever before. If even one of your fucks make it through the full raw aggression program without telling me you hate me at least once I will consider it a great personal failure.

So today I want to look over the diet for the next phase. We are dropping some carbs, but are no where near a keto diet.  It is still winter, so

Get your selfies, get your videos of lifting for form refrence and make damn sure you get your three angle progress picture once a week. DO NOT SKIP IT.

don’t worry if you still have a little fluff. This has all be thought out. You should be weighing yourself every Sunday morning and you better be getting your fucking pictures. Seriously. If you haven’t already, get fukin’ on that shit my dudes. You told me you want extraordinary results. I do not want to hear anything about someone not feeling they are hitting their goals or making their progress if they aren’t doing everything they can and that is the diet and the workout, but also the challenges, the reading, the score keeping, the pictures….it is everything. It all plays a roll in the lager picture. If you just want a workout and a diet you can go to they will give you some for free. There is Jim Stoppani’s program, Kris Gethin’s and Arnold’s two Blueprint programs. I’ve done all three. They were all fine. This is something different. This is something far more intense and your results will be significantly more extreme, but only if you put in all the world. It isn’t easy. Sometimes it is annoying. I didn’t want to put my phone on video last Sunday, Make a slow circle while stopping to flex, take the relevant screenshots and then obsess about how much further I have to go, how fluffy I still am and how long and arduous the road is going to be. Do not think about what you like and don’t like about the process. While the process is the game and while we will go through our ups and downs and victories and defeats, you cannot, must not and will not take your fucking eyes off the goals. Whatever it takes to get there you will do and whether or not you like it is of no fucking concern to anyone.

So, just a couple of charts I want to post before we list the phase 2 diet. They are self explanatory and will be helpful when picking out your food.






Use these charts when deciding on which proteins you use. It should make it a bit easier to pick.


Diet Phase 2

Meal 1:

5 Egg Whites and 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 omega 3 fish, vitamin b complex pill, multivitamin.

Meal 2:

8 oz steamed or grilled chicken or pork tenderloin, 1cup of rice, large serving of steamed vegitables

Meal 3

8oz fresh turkey or whitefish (any lean white colored fish not shellfish), 1 avocado, large serving of steamed mixed vegitables

Meal 4:

2 large chicken drumsticks with skin OR 8oz of either shrimp, tuna, scallops, grilled chicken and Large Green Salad.


Forget your protein shakes, forget feeling hungry (it’s ok to be hungry, stop being such sissies about it. Are you still a little hungry and want a little snack before bed? fuck you. grow up.)

Ok boys, lets finish up phase 1 strong and get on phase 2. We have work to do!