4 Stories

Yo Fellas,

I had four brief topics I wanted to discuss and rather than make four posts I figured I would put them all together in one.


Reduce Toxins –OF ALL KINDS

We are here gentlemen. This is it. We go into the weekend knowing that on Monday we start a long, difficult and amazing journey. I am beyond excited and I hope you are too. During this weekend we have a lot to do (see yesterday’s post) and let me add something. If you have been eating like shit and drinking cut it the fuck

There is a lot of work in the gym and there is a lot of work in life. This isn’t easy. Why make it harder by inviting poison into your body or mind?

out. By sunday you should be eating healthy and not drinking at all so that Monday morning you wake up fresh. If at all possible take a steam or a long bath. Make sure that all toxic things are out of your life. This includes toxic people. The 30 week extreme transformation we are embarking on is a journey between a fellowship of men as well as a journey to the inside of your soul to find out who you are, where your limits are and what you believe. Toxic, miserable people with little to no value to you or to the outside world can not be tolerated. Push your weak emotions aside and be harsh. This year is about you, not the vampires who drain you.

On the other side of that coin, however, are the positive people. People who uplift you, people who make you smile and people who relax and calm your soul. The people in your life whose very presence is a healing balm. Make sure that you remember them as you focus on your own goals. They are as important to you as you are to yourself.

Final Feast

The Rock knows how to cheat meal right.

I am sick of eating and sick of drinking. I know CoP mentioned in the comments yesterday he feels the same. That said, 30 weeks is a long time and I want you fucks to become the absolute peak of what your possibility will allow. So feast one last time. Imagine being the warrior on the eve of going to the city gates to repel the barbarians. Tonight we feast for tomorrow we die. That mentality makes men strong. Use it.

Automatic Slim

Long time friend and follower of WBF, Automatic Slim, answered a question very interestingly to me. I asked him why he does something and he said, no…not said….he exclaimed….BECAUSE GOD OWES ME! This is a

Demand what you want.

mentality I want all of you to pull into your very souls. We have been betrayed by the promises of our childhood and now we are rightfully angry. Fuck the weak shit world that keeps telling us that aggression and strength is wrong or bad, that winning is wrong or bad and that expressing our power physically and outwardly is bad. This is what we were born to do, what we were made to do and what our biology demands of us and a set of constraints has been artificially placed on us by the weak. The bird of prey doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the lamb’s morality. Well here we are. We can’t change the world, but we can change ourselves and not give a shit what the world has to say to us. We were told that the strong, the aggressive and the powerful would be honored and we were lied to and now, in the words of Automatic Slim…..WE ARE FUCKING OWED and watch the fuck out because Team WB Fitness is coming for all the stuff we were told we can’t have.


Nietzsche famously says that “those who were seen dancing were considered insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friends, we aren’t on a health kick. We aren’t on a diet. We aren’t loosing some weight or trying to get in shape for spring. What we are doing is not about being healthy. Some people will understand

Take a good look at the people who suggest you are doing things wrong and ask yourself if you would rather be them.

the mania and obsession and some people won’t. The ones that don’t will think you are insane. A lot of them will make it known. They will use words like “overtraining” and “obsession” and “life balance” and “necessary” and all sorts of other ways to make you feel that what you are doing is not the right way to go about things. This is not a statement about you, but about them. They don’t see it. They don’t feel it. These are the same people who will seethe with envy. They put others down in order to raise themselves up. Fuck them. Allow their criticisms to fuel you. If they laugh, if they shame and if they warn you against your path use that to fire your obsession even more. You will be the man that you create for yourself. Second guessing it, being embarrassed by it or letting the opinions of others in anyway influence it only reduces your chances of success.

Well gentlemen, that is all for me. The next article you will see will be on monday and will be for the first day of season. I can’t stress enough how proud I am of every single team member who has decided to put their body and mind on the line and push themselves further than they ever thought to achieve something great. Also, on a personal note, I want to really thank all the team members in advance for trusting me. There will be times you hate it. There will be times it seems crazy. But your trust over the last several years has given me the confidence to create something better than I ever had and that you guys are along for the ride with me means everything. So, and I say this will all the excitement a person can muster….GAME ON!