Goodbye Phase 3

Hey guys,

I know I have been very slow to get these posts out and I really do apologize. Things have been busy, but that is no excuse. I am going to try, starting next week, to get back to posting once a day.

In the meantime, I wanted to put a post today because it is a bit of a milestone. This week is the last week of phase three. The eight phases of the Toxic Masculinity program are set in two halves of four with there being symmetry in both length of phase and technique for phases 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3 and 7 and 4 and 8. Of these sets of phases the longest and most intense of them are the 5 weeks of phase 3 and 7.

Each day of this phase has seen between 350-500 individual lifts plus daily cardio. The volume and intensity has be off the charts and doing it for 5 straight weeks has been killer. This phase would have been full impossible on Feb 18th when we first started (just wait until phase 7 you guys are going to fuckin’ hate me). The point of this long phase and the corresponding diet has been to build out that solid fundation of muscle and begin the process of defining it. The next phase will be 2 quick weeks of getting us ready to shred it down and reveal that summer body we have been working for.

To give you the guys who aren’t following the program an idea of what a phase 4 workout will look like, I’ve decided to give one away. This is a shoulders and arms workout that we will do once a week. All sets are done to an RPE of 9.5


1) Seated Dumbbell Press 4×12

2) Side Lat Raise 4×8

3) Upright Row 4×10

4) Dumbbell Shrugs 4×8

5) Triceps Push down 4×12

6) Seated Triceps Extension 4×10

7) Barbell Curls 4×12

8) Incline Dumbbell Curls 4×12

9) Reverse Barbell Curls 4×12

10) Concentration Curls 4×8

Weighted Side Oblique Crunches 100 total reps

Cable Crunches 100 Total Reps

Cardio (StairMaster) 1 hour.


This workout is indicitive of all 6 weekly workouts and is really going to shred out and build those lead pipes nicely. For this weekend challenge I think you guys should hit this workout. It will not only be a challenge, but a reminder that things are just heating up now.

We have been pushing ourselves every day since mid February. It is now the 10th of May. Friday, June 21 will be the first day of Summer. So you have 41 days to take all that hard work and pull it together for a summer body.

I have been a little lethargic lately, but this morning I have recommitted myself. This afternoon when I get my lift in I have promised myself to go full monster. As bodybuilders we are constantly moving weight. This is a good thing. However, some weight is more important to move than others. If you have any dead weight weighing down your mind or your soul, now is the time to move that weight. It is time to light our fires. It is time to get fucking serious. I’ve spoken to several of you and you keep telling me how the workouts kick your ass. We haven’t even started guys. You have no fucking clue. But first, take stock of what is going on in your life and use the strength we have been building to move that fucking weight off of you.

I promised myself as well as you guys that it is going to be gods or corpses….time to see which it will be.


Grind on!


PS: Two quick side notes. The diet is not set in stone. Please pay attention to your body and adjust accordingly. Speak to me if you are feeling tired, or worn out or if you aren’t getting the gains you want or losing the fat and we will adjust. Every person is different and the diets are just a guideline.

Make sure you have access to a tape measure. I am serious now guys. I want to see weekly measurements of neck, chest, arms, waist, quads and calves along with a weight and picture. It is also time to start getting body fat percentage measurements. We can’t make this trip if we don’t chart our progress. If your gym has people who do it professionally, great. Start doing it every other week. If not, get a fat caliper from amazon. They work very well and cost between 4-10 dollars. You are putting in an insane amount of work, don’t get lazy on checking the scores.