Follow The Program

Hey fellas, I was going to start a new series today called “People of the Gym,” but instead wanted to take a minute to discuss the program.


We are getting ready to jump into phase 3 now. I actually jumped in this morning and J.Nyx reminded me it isn’t until next week. A lot to discuss about that and my cognitive ability, but that is for another time.

This program is an extreme one. As you guys know, this isn’t a casual lifting or workout routine. Bodybuilding is a sport, but like they say about boxing….you don’t PLAY bodybuilding. We are moving tons, literal tons, multiple tons, of weight every day. 60,70 or 80 thousand pounds a day is not unusual and we are only in the second phase of an 8 phase program.

When I designed the Toxic Masculinity program I did so over the course of months and with the lessons learned over a decade plus of doing some very good and some very stupid things in gyms and being guided by some truly excellent mentors.

The order that the workouts go in, the order of the days, the phases and the cycles are not arbitrary.The thought of which primary and secondary muscles are being used on every lift, rate of recovery between days and how they play off each other has been seriously considered. Open to any page of the WBF: Toxic Masculinity book and point to any workout and any set and its follow set and I will tell you why it is like that, why the following workouts are the way they are, why the next day is what it is, why the cardio time is what it is that day and the day after and why the diet is what it is.

This program was designed to get you to where you want to go in a safe way, avoiding injury. While no one can 100% guarantee injuries will be avoided, every bit of this program has had injury avoidance built into it. After multiple surgeries on my body, it is as much for me as it is for everyone.  Every word, every lift, every bite of fucking cottage cheese was stressed over.

There is way too much volume, too much intensity and too much body breakdown in this program to screw with the order. Lift to lift, set to set, day to day, week to week, phase to phase everything works together like a watch. Simply removing a gear will throw all sorts of things out of whack with your body and will not only decrease your chance of success, but increase your chance of injury.

You also can’t climb that ladder with herniated discs.

If you are going to come along on this journey I really need to remind you that you can’t just skip one workout because that machine is busy and come back to it. You can’t do leg day on a Monday instead of a Wednesday because you know you have to work late and leg day will take longer…it doesn’t work that way.

I gave you guys a map. What to do and how to eat day to day for 7 full months. Of course there is room for modification, but talk it through with me first. You don’t want to change things without realizing the reason they are there in the first place.

Please guys, I want you to work your ass off, I want you to be sore, I want you to curse my name and I want you to have results like you couldn’t imagine but I DO NOT want you to get injured. I have spent nearly 2 years of my life all tolled injured to the point of hardly being able to walk. I am giving you a program that has learned from that experience so you don’t have to learn first hand.

Now get the fuck out there and do your work!