WB Weekend Challenge: Welcome To Hell

What’s up fellas.

I want to start off by saying I dropped the ball this week. I missed a few days at the gym, drank too much and in many ways lost focus. It sucks, but it happens. What is important when this shit happens is that we own it, correct it asap and get back on schedule. I am back on schedule and I am sorry to you guys for not making my articles earlier this week.

Moving on, we are one more workout day and one more challenge before the 5 weeks that is Phase 3. I truly am looking forward to Phase 3 and not just because I designed it to really pull us together physique wise, and not just because I look forward to the challenge, and not just because I am curious to see if the theoretical work I did while writing the Toxic Masculinity program pans out in real life (I do think Phases 1 and 2 have, let me know what you think), but because I can’t wait to hear you guys curse me….and curse me you will.

I would like for all of you to check in with me about the end of phase 2, where you think you are, what has worked, what isn’t working and what your goals over the next 5 weeks are. Remember, we aren’t just doing the lifts here. We need to be paying attention to our bodies. So let me know anything and everything you are feeling now. This next phase is basically what is going to set the stage. A foundation is built, now we put up the building and then we do the facade. I can’t help you unless I get your feedback…and pictures, stop fucking around and get them to me.

On to this weekend’s WB Challenge. I got a great one cooked up for you. I have been sitting on this one for a while and it really will do a good job of kicking some ass and priming you for phase 3.

Supersets of compound lifts are not something many people would consider doing….or consider sane…but this weekend you are going to indulge me.

This weekend’s challenge is 10×10 superset of deadlifts and barbell back squats. So yeah, that is 100 of each. Just plant a bar outside the squat rack. You are really going to want to pay attention to how much weight you have on the bar for these. Don’t worry about being too light (though 125 is still the lightest deadlift allowed). Nothing much to explain here. Do your 10 squats. Take a few steps back with no rest and bang out your 10 deadlifts. 90 seconds rest and repeat.


Have fun and report back!


Grind on!