Close Call This Season

Did you fellas enjoy that arm workout today? Phase II may seem like it is rough, but trust me…we are just starting. Skip ahead and take a peak at Phase VII if you want to see what rough really is.

In the meantime, arm and shoulder pump for days huh?

So I mentioned on Monday that I had a little bit of a scare. Here is what went down. One

This happened Last Year

morning I woke up and the top of my leg up to the groin and all around the ass was in excruciating pain. My instant thought was that this season might be over. But I remembered a few important things. For instance, breaking a bone in my hand last year. Like Lou said, “strap a hook on and keep lifting.” Did it hurt? Did it suck? You bet your ass it

How We Deal With Broken Bones On Team WB

did. Did we push anyway? Fuck yeah.

I am going to level with you guys, this isn’t a health kick we are on. Yes we are dieting and working out, but do not make the mistake of thinking (or lying to yourself) you are doing this for health reasons. If you wanted to get and stay healthy you would eat a nice balanced diet and go to the gym a few times a week and live a generally active life. This is NOT what we

Dropping your body fat down under 8% while putting on weight may be awesome, but it is not necessarily super healthy.

are doing. We are in the gym 3-4 hours a day at a minimum, plus an intensely regulated diet on top of an active lifestyle. What we are doing is obsessive. We have taken all of our unhealthy, obsessive and addictive habits and we are focusing it on this goal. This is why the off season sucked so much and why right now the gym feels like such a rush.

So it turns out I have a minor labral tear in my left hip. I can and will work through this. I dealt with this problem the way I have dealt with many problems in my lifting career, with a Chiropractor.

It is time to grow. Phase 2 of 8 is upon us. You guys know the Team WB Motto. We Will Make You Into A God Or A Corpse!

I don’t know what your opinions on chiropractors are, but I know that people tend to be very stuck in their thoughts one way or another. I will tell you that I am a huge fan. On three separate occasions, this one included, where there was intense pain that was going to keep me out of the game a chiropractor helped me get right.

Further, regular adjustments, I find, are a wonderful addition to a grueling workout program. As I mentioned in the last article, over the course of the next 28 weeks we are going to be rough. Injuries will happen. Remember, Gods or Corpses, no in between and no compromise.

Because of this we want to take every possible advantage and one of those advantages is, I believe, regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your body in alignment.

The chiropractor I am currently seeing is very good. I showed up in

5 sets of 15 at 230lbs. Light Weight Baby. Injuries need to wait.

agony 2 weeks ago and I am pretty much pain free now. I intend to get regular adjustments during the season and if you can find a good chiropractor I suggest you do the same. For those of you guys living in New York, you can check out Dr. Tammy Bohne at Active Chiropractic Healthcare (shoot me an email if you need the phone number) with offices in FIDI and Flatiron. If you aren’t in New York, I strongly encourage you to find someone good and someone who will understand the obsession we are bringing to this project and look to help you through it rather than talk you out of it.

In the meantime, pay attention to your body. Familiar pain is going to be there. Deal with it and work through it. But make sure you tend to unfamiliar pain with all due haste. Catching little things up front may be the difference in you making it through the 7 months of body sculpting we have set ourselves upon and sitting them out.

Grind On!