Welcome to Phase II

Well fellas you did it. You crushed Phase One of the WBF Toxic Masculinity program. How do you feel? You have spent the last 4 weeks building strength and muscle in an incredibly grueling manner.  Phase one was a push-pull split intended to get some of the cobwebs off, get the muscles woken up and get moving. This next phase is a classic bodybuilding split.

What is the difference? For the next 3 weeks you will be training in such a way as to create muscle definition. Rep ranges will also be switched up (remember to add weight as reps go down) in the classical manner.

Francis Benfatto is one of the most perfectly symmetrical bodybuilders to ever live. After 13 years of not competing, he got on stage at 48 and is still fuckin’ yoked. Ronnie Coleman, as much as we love him, can no longer walk.

Golden age and what is now called Classic Physique in bodybuilding is the goal for WB Fitness. As much as we love Kai and Phil and the other big guys out there, we aren’t aiming at that type of body. We are looking at Zane and other golden age guys as an inspiration here.

I won’t lie to you guys, I was a little worried in Phase I. I had a bunch of pain. As it turns out it was a minor labral tear in my hip. It took me out of squatting, deadlifting and cardio as well as bringing my intensity level down in a drastic manner. I was very worried about being able to work this season at all and while I made every gym session and did every single lift (with the exception of the ones mentioned) I really thought about giving up a few times.

If forced to point to a bodybuilder who personifies Team WB Fitness Goals (other than Arnold) it would have to be Frank Zane

I am more than pleased to say that I am 100% out of pain now for 2 straight days. Wednesday’s article will deal more with this, but I wanted to mention it for one reason–to let you know that setbacks WILL happen. This program is 28 weeks. That is 7 full months of putting our bodies through the ringer.

In seven months there will be injuries, people will die, people will get married, you will have a night where you drink to much, you will argue with the people you love, you will have trouble at work and all manner of other things that can negatively impact your mind, body and this program….WORK THROUGH IT!

In the meantime, as with every phase, I am going to post one workout. I mention a lot of times

Phil “The Gift” Heath is an amazing specimen and anyone who knows anything about bodybuilding knows he is the king of the hill right now. That said, this is not our goals. We learn from the big guys, but we are not looking for this much size. Pictured here phil is 255 pounds at 5’9 with 23 inch arms, 54 inch chest, 29 inch waist and 32 inch thighs. Impressive, but this ain’t our game.

how chest is my weakest spot. On the other side of that, my strong suit is arms and shoulders. I get asked about arms and shoulders more than anything else and they are the first thing that get definition when I start working out. So for Phase II of WBF: Toxic Masculinity I will give you the official program shoulder and arms day workout. This is what all team members punch out on Tuesday’s during Phase II. Do you have what it takes to do a WBF workout? Give it a shot!

WBF: Toxic Masculinity

Phase 2

Shoulders and Arms

(increase weight while rep ranges decrease)

1) Close Grip Bench Press 10×6

2) Superset #1 6×10

Front Dumbbell Raise (not alternating)


Hammer Curls

3) Seated DB Overhead Press 4×10 + 1 strip set all the way down the rack 6 reps per weight

4) Barbell Preacher Curls 3×12

5) Superset #2 5×10

Side Lat Raise


DB Shrugs

6)Upright Row 5×10

7) DB Alt Supinated Curls 1×20, 2×10, 3×5

8) Superset #3 5×10

Concentration Curls


Seated DB Triceps extension

9) Superset #4 5xfailure

Cable Straight Bar Pushdowns


Cable Straight Bar Curls

10) 100 Cable Crunches

11) Stairclimber 1 hour


This is what is gonna build out those iron pipes this season. Give it a shot.