Passive Workouts

We all know that when we get to the gym we are there for business. Every lift should engage the muscle to its fullest. We should be doing our lifts from the targeted muscle with all the intensity we can muster. We know about our workouts…but what about the other times.

For the body you guys want, you can’t just go to the gym, leave the gym and hope for the best. This isn’t simply a workout, it is a lifestyle and with this life style comes the passive workout.

Do yourselves a favor and look into doing some ab vacuums. They work, they are free and you can do them any time.

We need to be engaging, shortening, contracting and in all ways working our muscles as much as possible. How do we do this? Simple…but remembering that they are there during mundane every day tasks.

Are you sitting at a desk for work? While there, you should be contracting your pectoral muscles and your biceps randomly throughout the day. Don’t let them go to sleep on you! When you walk, whether a few miles, down the block or to the bathroom, you should remember to keep your core tight and your glutes clinched.

Sitting on the toilet? Are you flexing those hard to grow calves?

Think about all the time you have during the day to just toss little bits of passive muscle tension in. By itself it will not do much, but combined with our intense lifting and cardio schedule and diet it will add another small bit to the overall package.

We aren’t looking to leave ANY gains on the table. There are 14 days until spring. You need to

Fuck shit up

start getting beater ready. I want you guys to use Every.Single.Tool. We are going to do this and do it bigger and better than ever before.

It is time to grind guys. This is only the start you should be at 100% every day. Push. Push. Push.

As George Denton said “de l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace” — when attacking, and make no mistake this is a battle, we fight with “audacity, then again audacity and always audacity”

Otherwise put by the great Cus D’amato to GOAT Mike Tyson: “throw punches with bad intentions and the speed of the devil”


Grind On!