What It Takes

Where were you this morning?

At 4:25 am I woke up. As I lay there in the dark looking at my phone waiting for the alarm to go off I started making my plans. The order of what I would do when I woke up. Thankfully, the night before, despite work and the gym and the various bullshit that has to be done through the day, I made sure my gym bag was ready to go.

The minute before the alarm went off, I started the process of getting out of bed. When it did go off, I turned it off so quick it barely made a sound.

With everything ready to go, I left the house at 510 am. Wind chill was under zero and a walk to the gym. I smashed shoulders good this morning and at 8 am was done and on my way to work.

After work I will be back at the gym for a cardio and abs session.

Keep in mind, the season hasn’t even started. This is just light work before the season starts to get my body used to the schedule and my muscles out of the atrophy caused by the off season.

You may be wondering what the point is. You may be wondering why I am telling you about my day instead of an article about volume over weight or proper superset complexes.

The reason I am telling you this is simple: It is Feb 1st. We are 47 days away from the first day of spring. I am going to be beater ready, are you? It isn’t magic. You have to put the work in. Standing up and sitting down hurts right now. I am sore everywhere. I don’t want to wake up at 430 and I sure as fuck don’t want to walk to the gym in this freezing ass weather. I am doing it because I have goals and this is the way to attain them.

I know you guys have goals. Are you doing what it takes to get them? Wishing for something doesn’t mean shit. Saying you are going to do something doesn’t mean shit. If you feel you have a good mind, a noble soul or a strong body deep down in your heart IT DOESN’T MEAN SHIT. The only things that matter are the work and the results. Do the one, get the other. Everything else is bullshit. 47 days until spring. Look in a mirror. Are you ready? I’m not. Next ask yourself “what am I doing to achieve my goals” and make sure you answer yourself honestly.

The tools are here. DO THE FUCKING WORK.

Seriously guys, it isn’t magic. We start in 17 days and if you aren’t ready both mentally and physically this program will crush you. Get your ass ready.