Having Vision

66 Days guys. I told you it is going to go fast.

Who do you want to be and what are you willing to get there? I refuse to accept what the world hands me. Let’s pick what we want and push until we get it or it kills us.

It is at this point that I want you guys to seriously think about vision. I am going to tell you a hard truth right now. Just showing up in a gym, doing workouts and eating right will not get you the results that Team WB Fitness is all about. You need to have a clear vision on both the macro level and many various micro levels from short term goal markers to the vision of each and every lift….I will elaborate in a bit.

Arnold has been giving the same 6 rules for success since the 1970’s and his achievements in the gym, on the stage, in the movies, in politics and in life in general show that his rules for goal attainment are worth listening to. The rules are simple:

  1. Create Your Vision and Follow it
  2. Break some Rules
  3. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
  4. Ignore Naysayers
  5. Work like Hell
  6. Give Something Back

The very first of these rules, having a vision, is the one I really want to focus on today. Braking some rules, not being afraid to fail, avoiding naysayers, working your ass off and giving back are all really self explanatory, but not so having a vision. There are three parts to your vision

Vision Part 1:

You need to seriously think about what you want from the WB program. This years program will be modifiable with expansions for weight loss, weight gain, areas of hard growth, etc. The program is 28 weeks. That is7 months of busting your ass. You CANNOT walk in on day one and just start doing the

workouts and try to figure it out. You need to start thinking RIGHT FUCKING NOW about what your goals are for this program. Also, make them just on the unrealistic side of the line. Trust me, things you think are impossible now will not seem impossible in 3 or 4 months. Do not aim for what you think is realistic right now. You are a fat, worthless mush. In a few months you will be, to quote fight club, carved out of wood. Shit will change.

Vince Gironda is a great place to start

Have your goal in mind to the absolute specifics. My goal is to pull off 200 pounds with sub 6% body fat with the following measurements

  • Chest: 49″
  • Waist: 32″
  • Hips: 42″
  • Bicep: 18″
  • Forearm: 14″
  • Thigh: 26″
  • Calves: 18″
  • Neck: 18″

My vision for myself is absolutely clear. Whether I achieve it or not is inconsequential. This is a battle I am going to fight over 28 weeks and I am going to give absolutely everything I have. If I do not achieve this goal, my vision, then I will be able to say it was impossible to do so and in the off season I will go through my plan and my diet and see what can be tweaked so I can try again the year after. The important part of this is that the vision is set in stone, does not alter and is something I focus on every single day.

If you are looking for your own personal goal you might want a refresher on the Greecian Ideal from an old article I wrote which you can find here

What your overarching vision is is totally up to you. Weight loss, muscle gain, symmetry it doesn’t matter. The WB Program is adaptable to all goals and for all body types as long as you are willing to put in the work.

Vision Part 2:

It is not just good, but absolutely necessary to have a very clear overarching vision. However, if that is all

When deciding your vision of yourself you need to be honest with how much you are willing to work. If you have the vision and are willing to put in the effort, I will get you there.

you have then you will fail. You can’t go in on day one and ONLY think about what you want to look like on day 196. You need to set up short term goals and focus on those micro-visions. Ok, you know your vision for the end of 28 weeks. What is your vision for the end of week one? What is your vision for the end of month 1? What is your vision for the end of phase 1?

Once you receive the eBook you will need to take a look at the table of contents. The workouts are broken into multi week phases. There will be a chart for you to fill out for your end of phase goals as well as a chart with 28 spots for end of week goals. We will talk every single week about whether you have met your goal and if you haven’t what the issue is and how things can be modified. Without a vision of short term goals the project will be far too big and you won’t be able to keep your focus. 28 weekly goals, several phase goals and then an overall goal gives you constant marks to achieve and surpass.

Vision Part 3:

This is a very tricky one. It is pretty much the essence of mind-muscle connection. Every time you make a lift you can’t just be standing there counting or trying to get it over. When you do a bicep curl you should be staring hard into the mirror and looking at that bicep. Will the muscle to grow like CT Fletcher says. Look at the sinew, look at the vein, picture your arm looking the way you want to. Keep your vision so locked in during your lifts while you stare at the muscle being worked that it becomes part of you. Force yourself to see where you are going and not where you are when you lift.

I can’t stress this enough, if you are looking for casual exercise that is great but it is NOT the WB Fitness program. Team WB Fitness is going to go over the top. Every single rep (and there will be hundreds) of every single set (and there will be dozens) of every single workout (which will be every day) you need to have your mind focused on your goals and stare at those muscles willing them to grow, to become harder, stronger and more defined. Keep your vision in mind and force your muscle to become what you envision it with every bit of thought you can. THIS is the man and the voice that should be in your head.

So get your vision in order guys and know what you want. Don’t worry about how to get there. We will be discussing that in the weeks leading up to day one. But visualize what you want to have your body do in the 28 weeks that you are going to be working it. Know what you want and make sure you are willing to put in the work. Once you make that decision it doesn’t change. It is your focal point until September of next year.

Listen to Arnold

Finally, as a side note, it is December 14th today. In 2 months it will be Valentine’s day and 4 days after we start. For you guys with a girl in your life, treat her very well on Valentine’s day this year. Get them something nice, give them a back rub, surprise them somehow and be sweet. Give them the best Valentine’s day you know how because 4 days after your ass is mine and they are going to be fucking widows until September.

It is almost time fellas. I hope you are getting ready.