Friday Open Forum

Hey fellas. Happy Friday. I am glad to say that we got some content out each day this week and will try to do so next week as well. As a follow up, my hand is on the mend. Right now it feels a lot better, though my grip strength hasn’t returned and I am not yet comfortable doing press lifts. All in all I think I will be able to do everything by this time next week and back to 100% the week after. Thank you all for your messages of support, friendship and constant ball busting.

Feel free to use the comments section as an open forum to discuss anything you like. In the meantime, since I am unable to bench press for at least another week, today’s return to The WB Fitness Weekend Challenge is a bench press one. I can’t do it so you are going to have to do it for me and if you do it for me you have to do it at my pace.

So what crazy challenge do I have in store? Well, lately I have had the number 300 in my head. Anyone on Team WB Fitness can attest to how much they love/hate that.

This weekends challenge. I want you to load the bar with a weight that you can do for 10 reps at about 8RPE and i want you to give me 300 bench presses in correct form. Forget sets and reps. Give me my 300 reps. If you have to stand up and walk around the gym a bit or lay down and foam roll or just sit and breathe for a while that is fine. But I want you to do that first rep and know you are not done until you hit 300.

Have a great weekend and keep on your grind!