WB Fitness Announcement

I am very excited to announce today that WB Fitness is expanding. In order to get daily content out to you guys as well as bring in some excellent outside minds, Team WB Fitness member number one, J.Nyx as well as long time commenter and wealth of bodybuilding knowledge Lou Skunt will be posting weekly articles.

The new format will go as follows:

Monday J.Nyx will post an article

Tuesday Lou Skunt will post and article

Wednesday I will post and article

Thursday will be a Q&A session. If you guys have any questions from diet to bodybuilding or anything in between please feel free to email them to One question will be chosen each week and J.Nyx, Lou and I will each give an answer to it.

Friday will remain an open forum along with the weekend WB Fitness Challenge.

In the meantime, keep on your grind fellas. The weather is starting to warm up. Ask yourself honestly if you are beater ready. If not, remember one of my favorite sayings. The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is right now. No matter where you are in terms of your fitness goals, whether you are still in the process of saying you will start tomorrow or if you are taking off those last few pounds to get the sculpting you want, get to the gym and grind as hard as you can.

There will always be moments of doubt, times you sit there and say fuck this I am just gonna be a fat boy, times you don’t understand why you are killing yourself day in and day out….that is just human. But in the end you know what you want, you know how to get it and you know that the exact number of excuses we accept here is ZERO. So get out there and push and let me know below what you think of the new format, where you are relative to your goals or anything else.