Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to be with friends and family, but that doesn’t mean it is a time to forget our long term goals. Managing a Thanksgiving feast is no east feat. For those of you who are cycling carbs it is good to play the turkey day as a carb refueling day and just go wild. But do yourself a favor and remember, prioritize protein. Eat so much protein that you feel full and then, after you can’t eat any more, enjoy anything you want.

However, before you get yourself tucked in for the feast make sure you make it to the gym. I am currently in a rest phase before I pick up my next program in January so I will be hitting the stair climber for a full hour of intense intervals just for a good sweat.

Will you be lifting weights? Doing cardio? Doing a circuit workout? Comment below and let us know what you plan to do to make your muscles scream and to feel the pump.

Just remember: Prioritize Protein





I’m doing quad/bicep WB 10/10. Gotta train as hard as I’m gonna eat today


Many congratulations on the site.

After reading the site intro and doctrine, I experimented with massive volume for the first time today (day after Thanksgiving), and my hands are still trembling a bit as I type.

MVT is the shit. More reps means more control, more time-under-tension, more opportunity to feel your body mechanics work, more ability to genuinely focus on form, and less time wasted on recovery from joints getting savaged under heavy weight. I could feel the difference like night and day.

But there is more: MVT is badass. There is something completely punk rock about working down to two tiny, little 2.5lbs weights on the end of the barbell, while getting in a ludicrous level of exertion. I was actually laughing (loud enough to catch a few stares) several times as my muscles reached the edge of failure. Chemical rush, or sheer badassary? Gonna find out.

I’m convinced. Time to buy a wife beater.

WB Fitness

I can’t even express how happy this comment made me!

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