Gentleman, it is a pleasure to announce that WB Fitness is back. After multiple conversations with WB Members we decided to have a run at WBF 6. While last season’s program was complete from a bodybuilding perspective, it floundered a bit — mostly due to inactivity and lack of motivation.
Intentional thinking is the name of the game for Team WB Fitness….not just on the gym floor, not just with each and every rep but, at its peak, in every aspect of life. No accidents. No luck. All intentional. And so it is time to get into training camp. This training camp with work on our acting with intention, acting with focus and above all keeping that mind muscle connection….concentration must be trained and so welcome to WBF6: The Concentration Camp.
The workouts will be shorter in terms of particular motions but the rep ranges will be through the roof. Our first phase which has already been shared is 5x5x20. It is no secret here that Mehdi and his 5×5 workouts are looked at with absolute disgust.
Commercialization and monetization in bodybuilding has created a scene where people left the roots and started just making shit up….often shit that wound up hurting people….and doing it because they need a product to sell.
At WBF we have never claimed to be innovators nor have we ever asked clients for money. We simply are looking backwards to a time before the absolute commercialization of bodybuilding at the things that just worked when people did them as an exercise in seeing how close to perfection the human body could get.
So where do we begin? Phase one is a 5 day split from M-F with active rest on the weekend. It will last about 8 weeks (I will get the exact schedule out to you guys soon) and is a series of targeted workouts set to jump start hypertrophy and get our doughy asses ready to pack on some serious muscle and then to lean out all that fat.
Since we haven’t had posts here for a while and our fat asses have been lax I will be going over a lot of stuff which has already been covered over the last few years, but bears repeating.

The first thing, as the programs title suggest, is concentration. You need to move those weights with intention. Move the weights slowly. Do not let your mind wander. Do not try to ignore the burning lactic acid in your muscles which is aching. Stay with the pain damn it. Only the dead are pain free, so be glad you are in pain. The gym is the best part of your day. Do not rush it. Make sure you dial in on both concentric and eccentric movements. Also, in these lifts, leave your ego at home. Make the RPE and stop worrying about the number on the barbells. Like Kai Greene says, and make no mistake he is probably the smartest man in bodybuilding today, we are not weightlifters. Weight lifters focus on the weight. A weightlifter’s intention and concentration is on how much weight he is lifting. We are not weightlifters. We do not want to be weightlifters. We are bodybuilders. Our focus is on the body and building it up and that requires hypertrophy. No one gives a shit what your 1RM is. Lets see your 20RM or better yet, let me see your body fat % or let me see your muscle separation, your vascularity or your symmetry. If you are in this to be able to squat 600 pounds one time and put a video of it on Instagram then you have found the wrong program. Bodybuilders, not Weightlifters.
Another thing to remember here is something we have been saying for years. This is not about our health. If we wanted it to be about our health it would look much different. This isn’t some health kick. Team WB Fitness is made up of lunatics….each and every one of you is and I know because I am. My guess is that to one degree or another we all have some form of alexithymia. In some ways our emotions do not find proper channels to express themselves and thus lead to destructive and/or self destructive behaviors. We are all extremists. Anyone here ever have just one drink? What we are doing is channeling our excessive energies away from certain more harmful behaviors and focusing them into the gym as a way of relieving the depression and stress caused by having addictive and extreme personalities with difficulty properly expressing emotion. This is why one of Team WB Fitness’s oldest slogans has always been Gods or Corpses. We will either grab this massive amount of fuel and channel it into a apotheosis or we will drop dead. Either is fine.
One last thing before we put a bookmark in it and end this post: Diet. In the past we have done different diets, focused macros, alternated carb free and carb load, calories switching due to upcomming workouts. I put a lot of work and effort into all of those diets and let me tell you, they are all bullshit.
This year the diet is a simple one: USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. Prioritize your protein, eat as many green veggies as possible, limit carb intake but don’t totally get rid of it….we want that energy and muscle building power. Thing of something like 8 ounces of protein to a half a cup of carbs with unlimited greens. However, what is very important is water. 1 gallon minimum every day. 2 is better. Do not skimp on your water. As for supplements….leave them. Fuck your protein powder, eat a few hard boiled eggs. BCAAs don’t do anything. Prework out is a mix of caffeine and chemicals. You ever hear of espresso? Drink some. You do not have to ask if something is a good meal. If you look down at your plate and see some chicken and rice and veggies it is good. If you look down at your plate and see a bacon cheeseburger and fries it isn’t. This is not fucking rocket science. Snickers bad. Apple good. If any of that seems confusing I suggest you go to the nearest tall building and see how fast you can get from the roof to the concrete.
Well gents, we are back. I am really going to try to keep posting something here daily, mostly because it is one way that I stay checked in but also because, as NYX puts it, without the philosophy to tie it all together we just loose it all.
So lets get out there and get that grind. Only 180 days until the 4th of July!
Grind On