Guys, I will start with a quick apology. My goal to keep this blog going with articles as often as possible has failed. Work and commute and life and the workouts have beat me up pretty badly, but I feel I am back in the swing of it and I have about a dozen post ideas ready to go. I am going to try my best to get them out there.
Today, however, I wanted to post this one and I am so excited to do so. WBF V is broken up into 3 phases, each phase with multiple parts. The first phase is a straight bodybuilding phase broken up into t

Get Big. Get Lean. This isn’t about being healthy. This isn’t about diet. This is about pushing our bodies to find the absolute limit. Warrior spirit. Warrior Mind. Warrior Body.
hree parts. I must say, WBF V, so far, has proven to be a masterpiece. The precision of it all is perfect. I am exactly, minus 1 pound, the weight and bodyfat percentage I had designed this program to leave me at 7 months ago. That is, 7 months ago i knew, within 1 pound, how much i would weight and what my bf% would be today.
The interplay between the workouts has been amazing. Gains and fat loss combined. Feedback has been great. CoP who is now in his 3rd season of doing WBF programs has confirmed that everything is so perfeclty on point.
Now, 20 weeks into the 30 week phase 1, we are ready to start Phase One Part Three. Part three of phase one is a 10 week program that I am incredibly proud of. This is it. This is the game. The next ten weeks are going to be intensely grueling.
So for you guys who are onlookers, curious, haven’t taken the dive or doing your own thing, I am going to do something just so you see the intensity behind this. I’ve never given the official program workouts out to anyone not doing the program but just for you guys I am going to put my Phase 1 Part 3 workout in its entirety below. This is the exact workout I will be doing as well as the guys who are all in on the program.
There are 6 different workout programs in WBF Season V (phase one has three parts, phase 2 has 2 parts and phase 3 has 1 part) and this workout Phase 1 Part 3 is, to my thinking, the king of them all. The first two parts were really primers to get us ready for this. It is possible to do this as a stand alone, but as Nyx is about to find out it ain’t easy.
So, as a peace offering with my apology for not keeping this blog more current (something i intend to change) and as a way to generate some curiosity about the insanity that leads to the results that only WBF brings, below I give you what I believe to be the best 10 week program I have ever put together in my decade plus of program writing. You will notice that one day is the “special” Day. There are 10 special workouts, one per week, that repeat through the phases. I haven’t included them. I can’t give everything out on a first date.
If you guys are curious please hit me up. As always, there is not a charge for coaching. I only ask for the effort. If you put in the work, I will work with you. I don’t work with people who half ass it and I don’t charge people who are trying to do something great.
So to you guys who are friends of the site but not doing the program, try a workout out sometime. It will be fun. To you guys who are on the program….10 weeks, you are a fucking monk. There is no fucking up. I want 100%. Pictures…..every week. Weight. bf% and most important, every fucking lift should be done like your life depends on it.
Cardio 10 Minutes
Barbell Bench Press 5×5
Barbell Row 5×5
Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×12
Machine Chest Fly 3×12
Cable Row 3×12
Lat Pulldown 3×12
Incline DB Curl 3×20
Triceps Pushdown 3×20
Cardo 10 Minutes
Cardio 10 Minutes
Squat 5×5
Romanian Deadlift 3×10
Leg Press 3×20
Leg Extension 3×20
Leg Curls 3×20
Cardio 20 Minutes
Cardio 15 Minutes
T-Bar Row 3×12
Incline Dumbbell Row 3×12
Guillotine Curls 3×20
Lat Pull Down 3×12
Seated Close Grip Cable Row 3×10
Seated Low Cable Row 3×10
Standing Dumbbell Curl 3×12
Reverse Cable Curl 3×10
Concentration Curl 3×10 (each side)
Cardio 15 Minutes
Cardio 5 min
Deadlift 3×12
Leg Extensions 3×20
Leg Curls 3×10
Leg Press 3×12
Cable Pull Thrus 3×10
Cardio 10 Minutes
Cardio 10 Minutes
Incline Dumbbell Press 15, 12, 10
Flyes 10, 10, 10
Incline Dumbbell Flyes 15, 12, 10
Dumbbell Lat Raise 15, 12, 10
Read Flyes 15, 12, 10
Dumbbell Triceps Extension 15, 12, 10
Skull Crushers 10, 10, 10
Triceps V Bar Pushdown 15, 15, 15
Cardio 15 Minutes
Now….let’s get out there and kill.