Ho Lee Fuk guys, we are winding down week 7. 7 Weeks of a 10 week workout which on week 1 you thought was impossible and now you keep telling me how fun it is. Growth baby, growth. As we come closer to the end of the first 10 week part of the 30 week workout and get ready to change up our workouts (and this change will be dramatic and….frankly….fucking insane) ask yourselves Am I leaner? Am I stronger? Do I have more muscle? Am I in better condition? For me the answer is a resounding yes. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. And it isn’t supposed to be. You need to get there and as far as I can tell for myself and for you other guys we have met or exceeded all expectations for the place we are. Winter will soon recede and more changes are coming. Trust the program guys. It works. Every.Single.Time.
So on to the topic of today. As I have mentioned many times, I am a hard grower in the chest. It takes me twice as much work to put size and definition into my chest as it does into my arms and shoulders. By now all of you should know exactly where you grow easy and where you grow hard.
Because I am a hard grower in chest I am always looking for new ways to go about creating definition. Flyes, with weights or cables, are great. Pull overs are great. But by far, the king of building chest is the

My chest is the hardest part of me to build mass and create definition. This doesn’t make it impossible. Like Arnold says, prioritize your weaknesses. I full intend to have my chest back to this form in 7 weeks tops. This new program is working faster than I could have even hoped for.
press. The two presses I use in WBF V:73024752 are the flat bench press (sometimes with dumbbells and sometimes with barbell) which is the straight mass builder and the incline bench press (also sometimes with dumbbells and sometimes with barbells) which adds the 3D look by working the top of the pectoral chain.
So the key to growth, as we all know by now, is hypertrophy and hypertrophy is triggered by volume lifting at a high RPE for high reps. I point to Kai a lot and I do it for a reason, he is one of the smartest bodybuilders out there with regard to his workouts, his personal philosophy and his business savvy. Mr. Getting It Done, as much as people love him, is still underrated. And As I always remind you guys, like he says, we are not weight lifters. How much weight is on the bar does not concern us at all. Weightlfiters are concerned with lifting weight. We are bodybuilders. Bodybuilders are not concerned with lifting weight we are concerned with building bodies — and we are fucking building bodies right?
So with this in mind, I have been playing around with something and I want to make a small change to the WBF V: 73024752 program. This is easily the best program I have ever written and I believe the best program that exists for people in our position (not professionals, people who have jobs, families, lives to tend to, who are not in our prime age wise and have goals that are not weightlifting goals but bodybuilding goals) being the best does not mean being perfect. So the change I am going to make, while small, I believe will yield big results. Very simply put, with regard to all incline presses — dumbbell or barbell — we will be using the 1.5 method. All the time. If you see in incline press, it is now a 1.5 incline press. I am sure this will leave you with one question: dafuq a 1.5 incline press?
I am glad you asked. A 1.5 incline press is simple. You press the weight half way up, then return it to your chest and then press the weight all the way up and return it to your chest again and that is one rep. Even more simply said, you dont just do one full rep you do half a rep THEN the full rep and that is 1.
This small change will target and isolate hard, wear down those muscle fibers are really kick us into the next level of hypertrophy. So make the changes in your notes and get on this shit. We are almost done with part one of phase one and it couldn’t be looking better.
Grind on!