Hello, Hello, Hello!
This year is off to a great start and while I know you guys are sore, following (and participating in) your progress is already turning out amazing! This post is a long time coming and it is here and going to be far more simple than usual. The reason for the delay is that I really wasn’t sure how I wanted to deal with the diet aspect of WBF Season V: 73024752 but I have finally tied it all together.
First the bad news. With Big Ramey’s win in the O this year and Phil Heath coming to a paltry 3rd place, it looks like a new era of bodybuilding is beginning and, as much as I hate to say it, none of us are going to be competing for national titles this year. Shocking, I know. With that said, the idea of counting every macro, every calorie, timing food precisely, tying certain macro density rich meals with particular exercises and basically turning the very process of eating into math really doesn’t seem necessary.
This does not mean it is free range pig out though. So instead of hard and heavy rules, I am going to set out guidelines that, If followed, in conjunction with the WBF program, will yield excellent results. However, just because they are not rules and hyper detailed instructions, this doesn’t mean you can take it any seriously. These guidelines NEED to be followed. How you chose to get them done will be fine so long as you follow each and everyone every day.
1) Hydration: How long have I been telling you guys? 2 Gallons a Day. I am not kidding. You need your muscles hydrated to do this program. Also, this will help with fat loss, vitamin retention and a slew of other issues. JUST DRINK THE GOD DAMN WATER
2) Alcohol: I love to drink. You love to drink. I know you fucking guys, there is some part in all of your fucking brains, as there is mine, that is constantly like

The Rock knows how to cheat meal right. Remember though, he is 6’5 and nearly 300 pounds.
fuck this lets get drunk. Don’t. I am not going to tell you do not drink because I am not going to do that. I will say that you should keep it to 1 day a week and never so much that you wind up missing that morning gym session the next day. If you wake up feeling like shit from your day of drinking and don’t want to go to the gym, just remember — that is the bill coming in the mail. You enjoyed the party, now time to pay up. If you are unhappy with where you are body fat wise, reduce the booze. Booze is really bad for this stuff. Keep that in mind. And with each drink remember how hard you work. It is no different than spending money. You want to spend 20 dollars spend 20 dollars but make sure you get 20 dollars worth of shit for it. You worked hard for your money, don’t just throw it away.
3) HUNGER: With regard to food the first rule I want you to follow is that hunger is not a bad thing. If you do not wake up hungry you ate too much the night before. You should be a little hungry after each meal. Not ravenous. But you should never be to the point where you simply can’t take another bite. That’s fat ass shit. If you wake up hungry, leave each meal still being able to eat and go to bed thinking you would like a snack you will be doing just fine.
4) ENOUGH FOOD: The other side to the hunger thing is needing enough food. What

At my peak 3 years ago i was 201.9 pounds with a bodyfat percentage of 4.2. My Resting Metabolic Rate was nearly 4800. There was so much muscle on my body that I would burn 4800 calories in a day if i just lay in bed. That is how you burn fat — not by starving yourself. My daily consumption of food at that point was staggering.
we are doing to our muscles requires fuel. Not eating is the quickest way to loose our gains and more often than not lead to injury. Years ago when I first started working with Nyx I remember looking at his diet and telling him if he wants to loose weight he needs to eat more and that shit is true for a lot of people. The truth is, none of your fuckers want to lose weight you just say that. What you want to lose is fat. Weight is fine so long as it is well defined muscle — and I’m sure you would all agree. You don’t burn fat by being hungry. Quite the contrary, your body stores nutrients as fat when it goes into starvation mode. What burns fat is muscle. The very presence of muscle requires fat fuel. Build more muscle burn more fat and the way to build muscle is with hard work and food.
5) MACROS: Ok, so here it goes. What do we do about macro nutrients? Look, the idea of going keto or paelo or doing intermittent fasting or any of the other new fangled fads is great. A carb free diet will peel you and if you have an event where you will be on a beach with friends I would suggest 2 weeks out just totally cutting your carbs and booze. That said, carbs are also important for muscle growth. So lets drop all the newfangled bro science diet ideas. Here is what we are going to do. Eat. 3 meals a day? 5 meals a day? Whatever. Your macros should always prioritize your protein and your carbs should always be held back and restrained. But guys, lets not go nuts here. If you want some chicken and rice just keep it to a half cup of rice and don’t have carbs in other meals. If you want a sandwich get an arnolds sandwich thin or some other low carb low calorie bread, make a sandwich and that’s your carbs for the day. Eat enough protein and fat that you are satiated but could still go for a little more (remember, stay hungry) and make sure that with each meal, each and every meal, you get some green veg.
In the end, the larger point for macros is that it is time to put away the calculator. What are you having for lunch today? Look at your plate. Is this going to advance your goals? Is there enough calories, fat and protein to allow for healthy muscle growth? Is there vegetables? If you are choosing to have some carbs that is fine but how many are there? Is it a pint of pork fried rice or a half of a sweet potato? WB Fitness is not every other guru out there that is going to jerk you off, bro science you down and try to get rich on some gimmick. When it comes to macros use your fucking brains.
6) CHEATING: Ok, finally the fun part. I am not encouraging us to have a cheat meal just yet. If you want to go a little overboard with one meal or add alcohol with one meal fine, no big deal. But during part one of phase one we are just pulling things together. Come parts 2 and three of this phase things are going to get a little different. One meal per week will be a cheat meal and I mean a real fucking cheat meal. What is a cheat meal? There is a calzone jernt near a

Go in and order this. This is not hyperbole. Go to your fav sushi jernt and order the boat for four. The reaction when she realizes that you do not intend to share it, that whomever your with will need to order their own dinner, is priceless as is the look on her face when she sees you actually finish it. Bonus points if when she comes to take the boat away you ask her for a couple more pieces. This is most fun wearing a tshirt that shows off the mass of lean muscle you have going on.
gym I used to go to. I would go there for my cheat and order some huge appetizer, a calzone stuffed with meat and some cannoli. Wash it down with a bottle of wine sitting on a summer day outside their restaurant. If that isn’t your fancy, go big with the full on huge burger with bacon and cheese and whatever the hell else you want on it, eat the fries, have some mozzarella sticks. Wings, a pizza — not a piece of pizza fucker — eat a pizza. Another one of my favorites is sushi. Go to a sushi place and order the party boat for 4 and watch the waitresses face as you devour the entire think while slurping down martinis.
There are very few rules for the cheat meal, but there are some. The first is, make it breakfast or lunch time. You don’t want to eat that much food and then be ready for bed in a bit. Another rule is earn it. If you fucked your diet up during the week your scheduled cheat meal is off. It will happen at least once. You will be upset. You will be pissed. You will think long and fucking hard about the next time you eat like a fucking pig during the week.
Along side the rule about not fucking up your diet during the week, cheat meals are for finishers. Did you miss one workout this week? Yeah, I know, you were sick. It happens to me too. No big deal, back at it but this week you don’t get your huge fucking cheat meal. Sorry, you need to earn it.
Finally, the last rule of cheat meals is that cheat meals are cheat meals NOT cheat days. Believe me, I know the temptation. I had a cheat meal back in August of 2013 that lased until St Pat’s day 2014. It is a meal. When it is over it is over, step away and go back to being a normalish kinda human being.
So there you have it gentlemen, a very simple diet. Follow these guild lines and keep to your workouts and you will see the gains. It should be easy if you want to do it. There will be times you want to snack or go a little bit out of bounds here or there. It is in those moments that you ask yourself what it is you really want.
We are ending week 3 and going into week 4 strong.
Keep that grind on boys!