Well team, here we are at the end of another year. We didn’t get our season in and WBF 4 went by the wayside. On the bright side, so much thinking and planning went into WBF V: 73024752 that not only can I say it is the best program I have put together — which I say most years because every year I learn more and incorporate — but I really believe it is, for people with our goals, the best program that exists.
Thanks to a Dec 14th start we are going to break through the new year and at the end of the week be completing week 3 of the program and I know you are all feeling great….sore, but great. So with all this

Bare minimum fellas. Not one bit more.
good on the horizon I want to warn you against falling into the whole being down on 2020 nonsense. That 2020 was such a terrible year has become a meme already. Time magazine called it the worst year ever and you cant go anywhere on the web or social media without people talking about how bad a year it was. The mindset that it was the worst year ever is just more fuel for the fire of the actual bad things that happened. So instead of me telling you we should make 2021 great, I will say we should strive to make every day great whether it is the 1st of January or the 9th of October or whatever.
In this year’s program the thing that is most important is bringing the correct mindset. Over the last half dozen decades a great deal of degeneration has crept into every great human endeavor. Whether it is music or art, mathematics or science, jurisprudence or politics, war or statesmanship, academia or scholarship, the flooded market and devaluation on excellence and achievement has destroyed these once great and noble vocations and avocations and turned them into nothing but abject mediocrity marching lock step to an insidious drummers beat destroying the very things that created the trappings they wear to falsify credentials and expertise.
The World of bodybuilding is no exception. Bodybuilding as we know it, a competitive sport, dates back

Phil Spector and Joe Weider had a huge impact on popular music and bodybuilding respectively. While they both brought some brilliance to the table they sewed the seeds for monetization and eventually the destruction of the soul of their fields
to Sandow but even further back we see the Ancient Greeks believed there was virtue in the strengthening and sculpting of the human body. With Joe Weider, who gave us many excellent lifting principles, came the commercialization and monetization of bodybuilding. Like academia and statesmanship, they were turned into a commercial businesses, stripped of the beauty and truth within them and milked until there was nothing left but their shells and the ability to steer the herd of useless idiots.
Since day one it has been a guiding principle of WB Fitness that we will look backwards to the principles that guided both the sport of bodybuilding as well as the general striving towards physical perfection and strength and ignore its commercialization which has, in my opinion, gutted it and left it totally devoid of meaning and a billion conflicting opinions all vying for the pockets out there willing to pay. And so this year I want to see a real revolution.
Revolution comes from the Latin revolvō by way of old French and then middle English. Revolvō means “to turn back” and that is exactly what I intend for us to do. This year’s program is based on all of the sound principles from prior to the commercialization of bodybuilding. There is no anabolic window (really? get fukt with that bullshit), no bro science and no gimmicks. Just solid, hard core workouts built through an understanding of the body, hard word and the demand to be more than mediocre.
The world is hostile to excellence in all great fields. I must tell you now, you will, as the season goes on and you get stronger and your fitness shows, encounter hostility towards it. The world hates seeing their betters. They want the idea of equality to means everyone is equal and not that everyone gets an

You tell ’em Arnie
equal opportunity to prove how great they are because in the later many fail. We will not fail. When you see this hostility don’t sit back with meek acquiescence. The time for that is over. It is time to be hostile back. What used to be the gym floor gorilla walk needs to be made the way you enter this world. I want your physique to be a tacit rebuke of the body positive movement and I want your aggression to ensure that people are afraid to say what they are thinking to you. Treat hostility with hostility and make sure that everyone you encounter knows they should fear you. How many problems in the world have been created by the strong smiling and nodding and allowing the weak to get away with their nonsense out of a sense of decency that said they are weak, just let them be.
I have no illusions that I can change the world. In fact, I don’t even want to change the world. The world is what the world is and I do not believe it can be changed. The darkness which has crept into it has already won. But while you can not change THE world you can change YOUR world. You change your world by striving every day in each and every one of your endeavors including, or maybe especially, the sculpting of yourself as best you can to attain physical perfection. You won’t get there, but like Mike Tyson says, I would rather reach for the moon and wind up missing and having a hand full of stars.
Gentleman it is time. It is time that in our own small way and in our own small world we begin stomp out whatever old world remnants of humility and compromise reamain and replace it with aggression and hostility. Be true to yourself even when it hurts other people, make yourself strong, make yourself wealthy and make yourself better than your peers.

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
It is time to remember the Greco-Roman values that built western civilization and forget the mewing to the weak who have been trying to annihilate it. One of those values is fitness. Who is ready to become strong? Who is ready to grow physically and mentally? Who is ready to walk down the street and, without saying a word, become a walking criticism of the world we inherited from weaker men? And that is the New Year’s Revolution.
As for New Year’s Resolutions, I usually don’t make them but I do have a few. One is that I will be more diligent about updating this site both for you guys and for myself as I find that it helps keep me focused. Another New Year’s Resolution is that I will stop some of my bad mental habits. For too long I have made an enemy of myself in my mind and it has been like having a second job. I know I can’t just erase who I am and have been for years but I will make a conscious effort to combat it. It is time to grow and learn.
So what are some of your resolutions?
Week 3 starts soon…..lets keep it 730 and keep grinding.