Today we take a look at how WBF Season V 73024752 plans to build up those wheels of yours. Here is a list of the leg lifts that will be used during the new program.
DB Lunge
Leg Extension
Romanian Deadlift
Goblet Squat
Cable Pull Thrus
Leg Press
Seated Calf Raise
Let’s take a look at these guys and make sure you are doing them right.
- Squat: The first thing I want you guys to know about the squat is that a full squat goes past parallel to the legs. I don’t care what you heard from friends, I don’t care what some trainer said, what you read on the internet or what you think. Team Wife Beater Fitness squats ass to grass. If this means only using the bar at first with no plates, so be it. We are not gonna be a bunch of half squat pansies. You have not hit the bottom of the squat until your ass passes parallel to your legs. Period. The next thing I suggest is that if you have or your gym has chains that you use them now and then. Chains are an excellent addition to your squat. For more info on adding chains to your squat you can take a look at this article from the WB archives DJANGO CHAINED Moving on, here is a terrific squat form video:
As one of the most important lifts and the lift that will fuck you up the most if you do it wrong, I can’t stress strongly enough how much time needs to go into studying the squat.
2) Dumbbell Lunge. I am going to be honest with you guys, this is my absolute least favorite lift. I hate doing dumbbell lunges and as such I have avoided adding them to the programs. This has been a detriment to both myself and to you guys. Time to man up and get my lunges done. They are a really solid muscle builder. The following is a simple video which clearly shows exactly how to do this lunge. Do not forget to keep your core tight. While it is true that our focus is always primarily on the muscle being activated, always remember that in one way or another your core is being used for each and every lift and it always needs to be held tight.
3) Leg Extension: I think this is one of the most cheated on exercises in the gym. People either doing it too fast, not focusing because they are in a seated position or in other ways not concentrating on the lift or the proper form. Here is my favorite video on leg extension form
4) Romanian Deadlifts This hamstring focused variation on the deadlift is an excellent move. You can do it with barbell or with dumbbells. I prefer dumbbells, but I leave that decision up to you. Scott Herman can be annoying but his RDL form video is perfectly spot on….and don’t forget to flex those glutes. No dad butt going on with Team WB.
5) Goblet Squat. The Goblet squat is to the quads what the RDL is to the hamstring. It mimics, as best it can, the motion of a front squat (a lift I am physically incapable of doing no matter how hard I try). I find the goblet squat is best with a dumbbell, but a kettlebell (held upside down) will do the trick. Remember with squats, whether they are standard, goblet, kettlebell, front etc…you are working the largest muscle group in your body. Take the RPE seriously. You might need to increase weight. I am going to say this for the audience one last time AIR SQUATS ARE A WASTE OF TIME DO NOT DO THEM. I will add to this that if you are goblet squatting with a 20 pound dumbbell just don’t bother. Go get a big mac instead. This shit ain’t for you. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR MUSCLES TO FAILURE. Also, do not just randomly add reps so you can use lighter weights. The rep ranges I give you are what they are for a reason — they stimulate hypertrophy. Keep playing with the weight and get your RPE for the designed number of reps or just go be a fat turd….it doesn’t matter which you decide for me, but I will not abide faking it in the WBF program…not this season after last season was totally thrown off by the politics cold. Here is a good video on goblet squat form:
6) Deadlift. Here we go. Here is the king. Some will say it is the squat and they may be right, but I believe that the deadlift is the king of all lifts. There are zero substitutions for a Deadlift or a Squat. You

A picture from about 4 years ago, but I wanted to use it to show you two mistakes I made. In this picture i should have had my back properly arched. I can’t find the video that this is a still from but i am fairly sure I would go kick my own ass for the form. I have since corrected that. The second error being made here was thinking that hair would last forever.
simply can’t replace them in the workout with some other exercise. They both work your total body and, what gives the deadlift the slight edge, in my opinion, is the raw animal nature that comes out of you with the deads. It is just a beast lift. There are a few things you need to know about the deadlift. First of all, form is incredibly important. As with the squat, this is a lift that can and will fuck your ass up if your form isn’t dead on. So study your form videos and instructions, talk to the group and, this one is important, set up your phone to video yourself doing deads (and squats) so you can analyze your form and make corrections. I can tell you this, with absolute certainty, none of us are using totally perfect deadlift form at all times. There is no amount of watching the video and making corrections that is too much especially when it comes to a lift that is a) arguably the most beneficial lift to your entire workout and b) one of the easiest ways to hurt yourself if you do it wrong.
This video is a little bit hokey, but it is a very good tutorial on how to properly deadlift.
and just for fun, here is Eddie Hall breaking the world’s record for deadlift at 1102 pounds
7) Cable Pull Thrus This workout is a new one to the WB Programs. I have been playing around with it in the gym ever since watching a video where Kai adds them to his leg day. I find that they are far more isolating on the glutes than even the buttblaster should you do them correctly. Here is the form video that I felt best captured how to do this:
These will not only help you avoid the saggy bottom blues, but they will create glute strength that will help with squats and deads, allowing you to move more weight for the same RPE which means more work for other muscles. This is one of those lifts that seems like an isolation move, but when used in combination with other lifts, especially compound lifts, has a ripple effect of making everything much better.
8) Leg Press The leg press is an excellent machine lift and one that is really important to leg development. Also the sled allows for nice heavy lifts. Now I don’t want you guys trying to put 1400 pounds on the sled….that is reserved for only the most alpha of lone wolfs! But so long as you are keeping proper form, you should absolutely not be afraid to put weight on it. Remember, we are not weight lifters, like Kai said, we are bodybuilders. We are looking at low weight and high rep. But low weight doesn’t mean 5 pounds. Don’t be a fucking sissy mary. You need to overload those muscles to make them grow and to make them stronger. Stop fucking around. If you are half assing this shit you are wasting your time and what is infinity worse, you are wasting my time. Focus in on the prescribed RPE and add weight until you fucking hit it. No excuses. Get your ass to work. Here is a good leg press form video.
9) Seated Calf Raise. Ok, so there are not a lot of calf raises in my programs and I will tell you why. Calf raises are a great way to focus weight on the calf and make them stronger and grow larger. Calves are, however, famously hard to grow….asl Milhouse!…some people grow calfs and some people don’t. I happen to be a person whose calves grow fairly quickly and as such I have laid off of the calf presses. This is especially true as I use the stairclimber for cardio (I will explain more on this in the cardio article to come) and if used properly the stairclimber should be activating your calves as well. If you do happen to be a hard gainer in calves feel free to throw in extra sets. Arnold was a hard gainer in calves. It drove him nuts until he finally said fuck it and threw like 30 minutes of super heavy calf lifts into every single workout 7 days a week. The results speak for themselves. Here is a video of Kris Gethin, founder of the DTP workouts, a guy who I have some respect for, explaining how to get the calf lifts done and done right.
And that is it folks. these 9 lifts are going to be split up in different ways and are how WBF Season V 73024752 intends to take those sticks and make them steel rods.
Take a look for the next form article, Arms. As Nyx and I have discussed, guys notice each others traps…..but if you are looking for female attention it is the arms you want to build. We are going to make cannons of yours. Stay tuned and remember, it is almost time for the grind.