Hey Gang, Good News. I have finished WBF Season 5: 73024752
It is all written.
It took months of thinking and testing things in the gym, 4 seasons of WBF programs and understanding their strengths and weaknesses and 14 years of using my body as test subject 1 for every imaginable style of workout to come up with this program and the philosophy behind it and I have to say I am very excited for the results.
A lot has changed this year in many different ways. The biggest difference is the lack of inert rest cycle. This is a year long program that alternates in intensity and has a 10 week pure cardio element, but at no point are you not working.
There are also new lifts I will be incorporating and some old standards I will be getting rid of.
One post I am currently working on has a list of all of the lifts for the entire

First we study, then we work. Be Patient.
program and instructions on how to properly do them. I really would love to add video one day, but right now this will have to do.
The diet too will be different. Somewhat more relaxed in some ways, but in others stricter.
I write all my programs by hand and then get them typed up so it will be
another week or so until you guys see the new program, but when you do I must remind you….do not start until start day. Dates, times, lifts, days — they are all there for a reason and all in a particular order. You need to be doing your cardio now, 90 minutes a day and kicking ass while reducing carbs as much as possible. Get the prescribed work done and you will get the results. I can’t guarantee results if you deviate from a plan which has taken 14 years to design.
I do want to take a moment here to talk about some things regarding the

Any 5th grader who pays even a little attention in class will learn the symbiotic flow of man and nature with regard to atmosphere

That same 5th grader will also understand that the reinhalation of CO2 due to a face covering is dangerous for humans and cows and contradicts the beautiful harmony that governs life on earth.
gym. The first of these, the ugly cow in the room, is masks. If you are using a commercial gym rather than a home gym you will be required to wear a mask for the foreseeable future. Yes, this is inane. Yes, this is dangerous socially, psychologically and physically. No, there is nothing you can do about it so complaining is not worth your time. You have goals. Others have put an obstacle in your way. Do we stop and complain about it? No, we overcome that obstacle. We do things despite the roadblock. This is what separates Team WB Fitness. So with this in mind, what are we to do? Well, make the best of it and attain our goals regardless. I have tried a number of masks and what I find is that sports masks, specifically the Under Armour one, are the easiest to breathe in normally. However, if you are a sweater like me you should know that once you soak a sports mask they no longer allow any air to pass through — hard stop. After trying a few brands, both cheapies and more expensive ones, I find that the best mask to wear for breathability is the cheap blue mask. My gym gives them out for free and I take two so I can toss one when it gets saturated and replace it with a new one. Even after 2 hours I find that I don’t need more than two. If your gym doesn’t give them out, I have seen them sold by the box at CVS for cheap. Your mileage may vary, but this is my experience. Also, remember, be easy on the gym enforcers when they come over because you took too long with your water when you take a sip. Those folks are just doing their job. The vast majority of them know it is bullshit and do not care about your mask. What they do care about is the gym staying open. If the gym gets closed for a violation then they are our of a job and you are out of a gym. So you should understand they are not being assholes and you should not treat them as such as you also have a vested interest in keeping the gym open.
The second thing I want to talk to was brought to my attention by my cousin the last time we spoke. After his workout he takes 5 minutes to sit in quite meditation and be grateful for what he has. I think this is an excellent idea

and I both intend to start doing this myself as well as recommend that all of you do it too. Not only will it calm the mind and help you transition from the cold blooded killer you should be on the gym floor to the normal human being you need to be when you leave the gym, but it will help remind you of all the good in your life.
My final note for today is that you really need to get yourself prepared for this program. DO NOT just jump in on day one. This isn’t a cold pool where if you just jump in and get it over with it will feel fine as soon as you are in. Right now you should be stretching when you can. You should be getting that 90 minutes of cardio in every day so that when your lungs and heart are called on for double duty in the gym, and they will be, they are ready to go. You should be drinking your 2 gallons of water a day and eating a healthy, low to no carb diet so you are used to it, have your discipline and

I want you all to act like CT Fletcher is behind you at all times. ISYMFS!
are already past any carb flu you may get and not have to deal with it while your body is adjusting to the new workouts.
In 27 days the iron will be back in our hands and we will test ourselves, push ourselves to the limit and bask in the glory of our success.
Until then, push and push hard so you hit that starting line running.
Almost time to grind!