I am pulling together the new plan and it is going well. I should be done writing phase one by early next week. Phase 3, since it is just cardio and abs, will not take long at all. So Expect to have the full Plan by Dec 1st which will give you two weeks to study it before it is go time.
In the meantime I will be posting as much as I can here. There are some things I want to get out, some of them are basics, some etiquette, some form, some tips, some hammering home what the fuck you guys need to be doing even though it is boring and stupid because you don’t fucking do it and then want to know where your results are……..oh, and some motivation.
Today we have two quick lists of things to do and things not to do.
So here are a few things you should do as of right now.

No, This will not be easy. Some days it will not be enjoyable. It is worth it in the long run. If you want extreme results you really must work in an extreme way.
1) Start thinking about your equipment. If you are going to buy new toys, buy them now. Think of what you will need. Do you need a new gym bag? You have your gym bag, what will go in it. Are you doing doubles? Do you need multiple pairs of shoes? In my gym bag I have my shorts and shirt (I strongly recommend Jed North brand shorts and tanks/stringers), socks and shoes. I am currently using Ryderwear D-Mak shoes for lifting and Nike Pegasus sneakers for cardio). Headphones. I use the UA Rock Edition. They are pricey, but they are waterproof, nearly indestructible, comfortable and sound great…..they come in buds or over the ear and both are equally good. I recommend them highly. A dopp kit with your toiletries. Now think of anything else you need. Food transport? Extra clothing? A sweat wicking hat or headband. Your copy of WB FITNESS V and Journal. Get it all together. Do a trial run on packing your bag.

“The weight is just a tool. Do you focus on the hammer or the nail? You better focus on the thing you’re trying to hit.” Kai is one of the smartest bodybuilders out there and a real inspiration for me. He knows that focusing on barbells is a mistake. Focus on your body. Focus on your mind. Everything else is just a tool.
2) Another thing you should be doing is mentally preparing yourself for your journal. We talk about RPE but how many of you actually put the time in to figure out your RPE as best you can? Admit it, you mostly just guess. You need to be writing down how much weight you were using for each set. If you don’t know how will you be able to dial in. Over a decade of using RPE and even with scrupulous notes it takes me a few weeks before I know what my 9.5 RPE is and even then it keeps changing set by set as I get tired and week by week as I grow. No kidding this year, I want everything journaled. How much you lifted. How you felt. Any pains. Any thoughts of things you were missing. How much you weigh that day. Any aberration. Everything. If you aren’t doing this you aren’t getting as much as you can and your gains will suffer
3) Food! There will be diet guidlines in the program for sure and they will be more thought out than they were in prior years, but you need to start making

plans. Start thinking when and where you will eat and what time you will set aside for meal prep. Think about carry along containers. Think about getting a utensil set. Think about making sure you have ways that food doesn’t leak. You can’t do this without being properly fueled.
4) Get that Carido in. You should be doing at least 45 minutes of intense cardio every single day until go time. I would suggest more than 45 but under 45 is totally unacceptable. Remember too, it isn’t cardio if you can talk normally while you are doing it and you aren’t sweating. Save the power walks for the grey haired old ladies in the mall. I want you to push yourself.
1) Don’t lift weights. Let your muscles relax and rest. Get that cardio in to ready your system and cut your fat. Leave the weights until the program. Trust me your gains will never be as good as after time off.
2) Do not over eat. Yeah, there is that thinking “well the program starts soon i better get in that pizza topped with Chinese food stuffed in a hamburger now. Don’t fall into this trap. You are walking to the starting line and just

Cutler has a lot to say and isn’t listened to nearly enough.
giving yourself a handicap. In fact, more than one. Other than excess fat, less muscle and way too much shit in your body making your goals further away you are also making your body a less productive machine which will require catching up and hindering your ability to be disciplined. While we do not have a strict diet just yet I would suggest three evenly spaced meals of roughly equal sizes through the day with an attempt to keep carbs as low as possible. No pasta. No rice. No breads. Just protein, veggies and fats. Avoid sugars….sweet tooth? Get some grapes or an orange. You will thin out, have your body ready and your discipline on point….hit the ground running.
3) Water….get it. If you are not drinking 2 gallons of water a day, then start. I don’t want to hear how hard it is. I know each one of you can put down 60

This month prior to jumping in is very important. Getting your head straight, ready for the challenge, disciplined and building an obsession in your soul is the only way this will work.
ounces of beer in less than an hour and this is just water. Drink it. No, your coffee doesn’t count. No, your protein drink doesn’t count. No, your tea doesn’t count. No orange juice doesn’t count. Stop being a fucking pussy and drink your water. It is just 2 gallons. It isn’t that fucking hard. Grow up and hydrate.
4) Stop bloat. There are things causing bloat that you should get rid of right away so they clear your system for the start of the program. Not all of them are bad for you but you should clean out now. First up, sweeteners. If you use a sweetener to avoid sugar just stop. I don’t want to

You are free to make your choices….make yours. I made mine. Almost Grind Time.
hear it has no calories, or it is all natural or it is stevia or some hippie said it will make your dick bigger. You don’t need a sweetener. Do not put it in your coffee. Don’t eat fake ice cream. Don’t buy sugar free ketchup or any other thing that is sugar free that usually has sugar. Make a choice. Which do you want? Do you want to grow strong, lean, powerful and jacked or do you want a little something sweet to eat because you are a little girl who needs candy while she plays with her stickers?
There is a lot more to come, but take these things seriously. I don’t want to hear it in march when you say “shit isn’t really working I need to change it up” if you didn’t do all the things that make it work. The lifting is only one small part of the program and, to be honest, since it is the most fun part in many ways it is the easiest.
Sack up boys, it is almost time to grind.