Time really does fly huh? Welcome to week 3 of the WBF Raw Aggression program. This is the last week of the first phase and as I will do for the rest of the season, this is the day I will post the workout for the next phase. This should give you a week to go over the new schedule and program, think through how you are going to do it and when and ask any questions. One week from today, everything changes….be ready.
So, to recap, our first phase was a full body split. This was a nice light introduction to what we

If you want this, just fucking do it. I will give you all the tools, but only you can decide whether or not you are going to do something that makes you proud of yourself and gives you results that make you happy.
are going to be doing to our bodies for the next 28 weeks. There will be another full body split at phase 6 (there are 5 different splits in this program and they are repeated twice. so 1/6, 2/7, 3/8, 4/9, 5/10 are the same splits albeit with different levels of intensity) but for now we are moving into what is called an “Upper | Lower Split.” As the name implies, instead of doing full body we are doing an upper body workout followed by a lower body workout. The last phase, the full body split, had a day off of lifting after every lifting session as we didn’t want to hit the same muscle groups twice in a row. The upper | lower split resolves that issue.
The two workout days are alternated throughout the week here with cardio and abs splitting them up. Now that the full body split has our muscles ready to do some work again, the upper | lower split should get us ready to start having the weight in our hands every day by reintroducing back to back workouts, but with a break between. This way, when we start with 3, 4 or even 6 consecutive days with the weights it isn’t a total shock to our system. Also, the additional cardio will give you another 3 weeks to not only prime your muscles, but to shed off some of the excess fat that built up over the break. By the time phase 2 is over it will be the last week of

Remember, the phases change every three weeks. It never gets easier. You just get stronger.
February and by the time phase 3 is over we will be a week from the first day of spring. This shit might feel like it takes forever, but it happens fast so don’t sleep on it. There is no “eh, i fucked up but its ok.” Keep your shit together. I will post the diet for phase 2 tomorrow. In the meantime, here is the workout and please, please, please….ASK FUCKING QUESTIONS DO NOT GUESS.
Phase 2 Upper/Lower Split
Monday: Upper
- Incline DB Bench 3×6
- Flat BB Bench 3×6
- Seated Shoulder Press 3×6
- DB Front Raise 3×6
- DB Lat Raise 3×6
- Barbell Row 3×6
- Standing DB Curl 3×6
- Lat Pull Down 3×6
- Concentration Curls 3×6
- Triceps Pushdown 3×6
Tuesday: Lower
- Squats 3×6
- Leg Ext 3×6
- Leg Curl 3×6
- Leg Press 3×6
- Deadlift 3×6
- Romanian Deadlift 3×6
- Back Ext 2×6
Wednesday: Cardio and Abs
- 1 Hour Stairs
- Side oblique crunches with plate 3×10
- Roman chair 3×10
Thursday: Upper
- Flat Bench Press 3×10
- Standing Triceps Ext: 3×10
- Incline DB Press 3×10
- DB Flyes 3×10
- T Bar Row 3×10
- Lat pulldown 3×10
- Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×10
- DB Lat Raise 3×10
- DB Front Raise 3×10
- DB Hammer Curls 3×10
- Concentration Curls 3×10
Friday: Lower
- Squat 3×10
- Leg Ext 3×10
- Leg Curl 3×10
- Leg Press 3×10
- Calf Raise 3×10
- Deadlift 3×10
Saturday: Cardio and Abs
- 1 hour cardio
- 30 minutes ab work
Sunday: WB Weekly Challenge and Active Rest
Get on that Grind fellas. By the end of phase 2 you should really start noticing some changes. Now get out there and kill the fuck out of this final week of phase one!