Predators and Prey

7 days. 7 FUCKING days until we are back in this game. Gentlemen, we have been waiting months for this, get yourself ready.

Today I want to chat to you a bit about Apex Predators. An Apex Predator is not just a predator but absolute highest in terms of trophic levels of its ecosystem. In lay terms, it is the top level hunter. This is what we are looking for this season from the WBF program.

I want you all to take the name of this season, Raw Aggression, very seriously. Most workout programs, including the last few years here at WBF, have encouraged people to leave the outside world at the door of the gym and become complete animals. We get changed, we do out Gorilla Walk, and then conquer the gym. I am going to tell you now, this was the wrong idea.

“The Great Man… is colder, harder, less hesitating, and without fear of ‘opinion’; he lacks the virtues that accompany respect and ‘respectability,’ and altogether everything that is the ‘virtue of the herd.’ If he cannot lead, he goes alone… He knows he is incommunicable: he finds it tasteless to be familiar… When not speaking to himself, he wears a mask. There is a solitude within him that is inaccessible to praise or blame.”

I want you all to take the idea of mind muscle connection in the lift and turn it into a mind body connection all day. This season I do not want you to be out in the world doing your think and then savages when you hit the gym. Instead, I want you to connect that savage instinct to your body, to your muscles and keep it with you all day and at the end of the night you turn it off for a bit.

I want you guys to take this seriously. When you walk down the street I want you to do so with aggression. Make angry and aggressive eye contact with people. Do not veer off your path even if it means slamming into someone. I want you to lock your Gorilla Walk mindset in and not let go.

It is absolutely time for an evolution in this world. Too much have I heard the praise of weakness. Whether it is those losers over at the FOE jerking each other off for money or articles saying that too much protein and weight lifting is bad for you or that outright aggression needs to be avoided I am sick of it. I am sick of praise for all that is weakest in man. Enough. We are lions who have been taught not to roar and quite frankly it is pissing us the fuck off. No more.

We are not just going to lift weights and diet. We are going to change the way we interact with society. I don’t just want you to be outwardly aggressive, I want you to be so in a way that others find distasteful yet fear to speak up.

The opinions of the sheep cannot matter to the wolf. Mike Tyson was once asked what he thought went through his opponents heads before they had to fight him. He responded “why should I care.” Take who you are, take that aggression, that strength and the will to power and exert it into the world. Keep your muscles tense. Make sure that strangers have their amygdalas firing when you walk by. I want you to treat every minute of every day that you are out of the house and in public as if it were a war. The road here is going to be paved with intentional thought.

Living intentionally is a huge part of what we are doing. Later this week we will have an article where we go over mind muscle connection and how to lift with intention, but I want you guys to bring it out of the gym. When you pack your gym bag, when you load your locker, when you walk, when you look at your phone, when you tie your shoes….to the best of your abilities I want you to avoid muscle memory at all costs. If you pick up a pen to sign your name I want you guys to treat it like you are doing the last rep on a very heavy set.

Fuck this weak world. Become the savage you were born to be

I guess you are wondering if ole WB here has finally flipped his wig. I suppose it is possible. The thinking here is that by connecting our mind with our body, by acting and doing with intention, by allowing aggressive behavior and attitude the ability to flow, by leaving aside notions of “Respectability” or “Care for the heard” we may find ourselves growing.

In this world you will find that you are either going to be the predator or the prey. Being the prey is something that happens passively, but being the predator is something you must actively seek out. This year, this season, this program, this adventure that we are about to embark on is one where we are going to become apex predators, the masters of our eco system. As much as the diet and as much as the lifting will come the mindset and the philosophy that goes along with it.

Neitzsche famously says that “society tames the wolf into a dog. And man is the most domesticated animal of all.” I have seen quiet a lot of society taming and shaming the wildness out of man. Gentlemen, it is time to reassert it.