Diet Phase 1

So today I am posting the phase 1 diet. For the first three weeks, during the first phase, this will be your diet. The way I am writing it out is a sample diet so obviously feel free to substitute proteins etc.


Meal 1:

1 Protein Drink, 3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, 1tbsp olive oil, 1 Tbsp honey and your daily fish oil.(Whether or not you chose to supplement with pre or post workouts or even fat shredders is on you but you need to be taking a high quality multi and fish oil pils)

Meal 2: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup pineapple, 5 whole wheat triscuit crackers

Meal 3: 6 oz tinned tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 Tbsp mayonnaise, 1 piece of fruit and multi vitamin.

Meal 4: 1 scoop protein shake, 1 TBSP Peanut or Almond Butter, 1 slice whole wheat bread

Meal 5: 8 Oz protein (steak, fish, chicken etc), 1 cup cooked rice, 1 large green salad, 1 Tbsp salad dressing

Meal 6: 1 protein shake, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 Tbsp peanut butter


If you have any questions about substations please let me know. This will give you the fuel you need to get the program started. As we move on through the phases we will be playing with various things like carb staggering, IF and a couple of other plans that will suit the workouts in the phase as well as where you should be in that phase as well.

Happy New Year your faggors. 2020 is going to be special Let’s get this!