That WHAT????

So yesterday I saw something interesting. A site called the shrugged collective is offering their one ton challenge. After reading about the one ton challenge I was finally able to answer the immortal question: Is there anything more fucking stupid than stronglifts?

It was as if someone took a look over at Mehdi and said, “here hold my beer.”

So what is the one ton challenge. The idea is a stronglifts gradual progression of weight on

SO you managed to lift 2 tons in 48 hours?

the three Olympic lifts (snatch, clean and jerk) and the three major powerlifting lifts (Squat, Dead and Bench) such that you can get to lifting one ton (two thousand pounds) with those 6 lifts.

I am officially going on the record here as saying that this is the most mindbogglingly fucktarded thing in the fitness world today and that is saying A LOT.

It is so bat shit stupid that I can only imagine that shrugged collective is secretly backed by the Hospital for Special Surgery as they try to increase the number of spinal surgeries they perform.

I know I have frequently encouraged you guys to get out there and do different things to test your comfort zone. Yoga, pilates, mountain climbing, boxing, bicycling….hell, even a bootcamp or, gah, a crossfit class just as something to try once. But I must implore you, under no circumstances try to do this one ton challenge.

Going heavier and heavier on the powerlifting lifts with the goal of simply being able to move more and more weight is a bad idea, coupling it with progressively adding weight to Oly Lifts until you can hit 2000 pounds (keep in mind that the standard bench mark for powerlifting lifts is 1000 so this means you either would need to blow way past that on your powerlifts to meet the 2000 total or get your olympic lifts up to powerlifting numbers to mactch) is criminally stupid.

As a response to the one ton challenge, WB fitness will be doing its own lift. But 1 Ton does not fucking cut it with WB Fitness. The average lifting session in the Toxic Masculinity Program

Team WB Fitness is gonna eat your children

has us moving 50-70,000 points with the biggest one being 82,000. One ton? Dafuq is that all about. These assholes are going to blow out their discs trying to lift 2000 pounds while Team WB Fitness is moving 300,000-420,000 pounds a week and that isn’t even counting our cardio and ab work!

So what is the WBF response to a one ton lift? We are going to do a 50 ton lift. That is right, where the boys from shrugged collective are going to lift 2000 pounds in 48 hours, Team WB is going to lift 100,000 pounds in one session.

I am finalizing the lift, but I promise you there will not be a single lift that is overly heavy. It is

Number of prisoners left will be zero

all about the volume and correct, intelligent lifting.

So comment below if you are ready to do the 50 Ton Challenge. We will post some results on social media and be sure to tag these fucks so they can see what real lifting looks like.

Guys, I haven’t asked you for much over the last few years but I am asking you for this: do the 50 Ton challenge. Let’s put WB Fitness on the map.

This weekend I will sit down and finalize the exact workout where we will push, in one way or another, 50 tons of weight.

Game on!