It’s Friday. No…not just Friday it is a special Friday. Today is the last Friday of Phase 1 of the Toxic Masculinity Program. I hope you all have enjoyed building back your strength and getting those off season cobwebs shaken out of your bodies and minds. I would say that now

Work Those Hammys!

is the time to get real, but I have seen phase 5 and you guys have no fuckin’ clue how hard this shit is gonna get. That said, phases 2 and 3 are meant to start bringing that body around to beater condition and we are going to hit it hard.

During the week I promised COP a cardio weekend challenge, but some pain in my hip has made it so I can’t test out what I want to give you and so that one will have to wait.

In the meantime, I want to give you guys a challenge I love. Since we have been talking about Kai in the last few articles I felt it was only appropriate. It is a killer leg workout right from his actual routine. This isn’t one of those Kai made this workout for workouts. This one of Kai’s actual leg day workouts and I will tell you this, it is fucking brutal.

And the quads

Keep in mind the lessons from the last three articles, especially eccentric lifting, and do this challenge in the spirit is it meant: give yourself a run at a leg day the way one of the top pros do it.

Without further ado, here is Kai Greene’s leg day and I am challenging you not just to do it, but to it properly like a bodybuilder.


Superset 1 3×20

Glute Kickbacks

Hip abductors (bad girl)

Superset 2 3×20

Jefferson Squats

Hip adductors (good girl)


Leg curls 3×20


Superset 3 3×20

Calf Press

Seated Calf Raise


Deadlift 4 sets to failure


Leg curl 3×20


Leg Extension 6×20


Barbell Squat 5×20

Look close at Kai. He is bigger, but not different. Because of his size you can see everything clearly. Your body has the same cuts. Look for them when you are working.

Good luck and report back…