WB Weekend Challenge

Hey Gang, what’s up.

A quick note before today’s challenge. I’ve been seeing a lot of guys who are just starting out, who feel discouraged because this is a long and arduous road to fitness and who are half giving up the day they start. Keep in mind what I told J.Nyx this morning and have been saying for years: The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago, the second best time is today.

Yes this is going to suck a lot. Yes you will be sore, you will walk like a cowboy….and after leg day a cowboy from brokeback mountain…you will want all the pizza and when you people are going out for happy hour drinks you will

If you have an excuse as to why you can’t get started please send it to KC Mitchell at @that1leggedmonster

be in a gym working through pain. And more than that, yes you should have started 10 years ago. This is not a fucking excuse. Go. Do the work. I promise you it is worth it. If you have to do it with no weights, hold a poland spring bottle. Start somewhere. People gonna laugh? Fuck em. You keep a focus on your goals, trust the plan and keep working.

Ok, so now that we got that done with let’s talk about this weekend challenge. We all know a holistic approach is the right thing to do. We all know we need to work those wheels because the legs and glutes are our largest muscles. We all know to focus on all of our body, on our diet, on our health on our mindset. We know symmetry is important and to leave our egos at the door……buuuuuutttttttt… know as well as I do that what we want is to have totally jacked arms. Come on, you know it. You know the looks you get. You want those arms. So today I am giving you guys a present. I am giving you a challenge that will work your arms to the core. Do this right before going out….it is what we call the party pump…you will see (or if you want to do a before and after measurement) an instant result which will last a few hours.

Yes, instant results are not what we are about but come on fellas we need to have some fun sometimes. Legendary musician Frank Zappa once said, “of course it is about the art, about the music, about creating something beautiful but anyone who says the first time they picked up a guitar it wasn’t to get girls is a liar” and he was right. And yes fellas, it is about a lifestyle, it is about health, it is about feeling strong and confident and challenging ourselves and rising to those challenges…buuuuuuutttttttt…..them ams tho.

Summer time means Thuns out Guns Out. Be like Mike!

Our challenge work out comes from one of my favorite beasts out there today, KC Mitchell, that one legged monster who you can check out at @that1legmonster. It involves a series of supersets involving curls and kettlebell holds. A kettlebell hold is just what it sounds like. Hold the kettlebell at the sides on the handle with your arms at a right angle so your forearm is perpendicular to the floor.

When you do the curls try for weight that will cause failure on the last rep. Also, please remember to keep total control of the dumbbell both ways and focus on squeezing your biceps. When holding the kettlebell squeeze your biceps until you feel they will pop. The curls are alternating, not both at the same time and I recommend supination with a wrist twist for fuller arms. The weight of the kettlebell should increase as time decreases and you should use a weight that is going to come as close to dropping it as possible in the time allotted. Use as little time as possible between sets. Ideally no time. Finish one and then do the next.

Ready guys? Let’s clobber this!

  1. 20 curls – 20 second KB hold
  2. 15 curls – 15 second KB hold
  3. 10 curls – 10 second KB hold
  4. 5 curls – 5 second KB hold
  5. 20 curls – 5 second KB hold
  6. 15 curls -5 second KB hold
  7. 10 curls – 5 second KB hold
  8. 5 curls – 5 second KB hold

Really remember that failure is important to this. Make sure the kettle bell you are holding is right about to fall out of your hand at the end of the allotted time and the dumbbells you are using you should feel like the last rep you do is the last rep you can do.


Grind on and have a great weekend.

Remember, suns out guns out.