Last week, like many of us, I spent the 4th of July on a beach. Now unlike J.Nyx who drives a B52, I take the train so taking things like dumbbells along with me is just impractical. At some point I just wrote off the idea of lifting while away. Hell, everyone needs a break.

This is a better workout than one you will get at KMART. But KMART workout beats nothing any day of the week
However, one morning I woke up early and had nothing to do. Ms. WB was fast asleep and I decided to get an uber and go have some breakfast. Afterwards I thought it would be a fun idea to pick up some things for the beach. From breakfast I took an uber to a local KMART.
Now I have never been to KMART before and have to say that it was great. I got a couple of beach chairs for 7 bucks a pop and they really had everything. Walking down the sporting goods aisle, naturally in shorts and beater, in order to pick up a football and it was there that I saw it…dumbbells.
It took me all of a few seconds to put together a volume full body dumbbell circuit in my head. It was simple.
- Front Raises
- Side Raises
- T Push-ups
- Triceps Kick Backs
- Curls
- Oblique Crunches
- Shoulder raises (standing)
- 2 DB Goblet Squats
I did 20 of each and then took a 1 minute break and did 20 of each again another 1 min break and then 20 of each

Look what I found!
a third time. The whole work out took about 30 minutes. Right there in the aisle with 2 25 pound discount dumbbells I got a good sweat on, woke up my muscles by getting some blood flowing to them and energized myself both with the surprise workout as well as with the lulz of getting it on in the aisle of a KMART.
Since we were away last week we missed last Friday challenge, so I am going to challenge you guys now. Go somewhere and get an unexpected workout. Whether it is a long set of chin ups off some scaffolding, a sporting goods store, using a turkey as a medicine ball in a grocery store…whatever….go get a workout in a strange place and report back and remember, no excuses means no excuses. As long as there is something heavy to lift there is a chance for a workout.