WB Fitness Weekend Challenge

Hey Team it is time for another WB Fitness Weekend Challenge. Last week we did an awesome arm challenge and everyone who did it felt totally smashed. I love a good arm challenge and nothing looks better than thick, cut arms. But arms aren’t the whole ball game. In fact, we here at WB Fitness know that legs is where it is at. So this week the weekend challenge takes it’s inspiration from Massive Joes ( is a website everyone in the game should know about) and it is the 1000 rep leg challenge. So lets blow those fucking wheels up!

This WILL hurt and you WILL love it

This is going to be fairly easy. It involves very common lifts with a double drop set of squats hiding in the middle. Maintain the order these lifts are in. They are there for a reason despite the common wisdom that big compound moves should be on the top of the list. So lets get right to it


Superset One 10×20

Leg Extensions


Hamstring Curls

(total reps 400)

Superset Two 10×10

Leg Press


Barbell Lunges

(total reps 200)


15,12,10,8+4 (rest pause on 4), 6+6+18 (double drop set 6@RPE 9.5 + 6 @ half original weight then half the weight again for 18) 21 reps just the bar.

(total reps 100)



(total reps 100)

Superset Three 5×20

Close stance leg press


Goblet Squats

(total reps 200)


Well, that’s it fellas. Get in there early, knock this work out while all those other guys are sleeping and limp through the day knowing you did this shit.


Happy Memorial Day Weekend and Unofficial Start of Summer!