No Wrists No Lifts

Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Curls, Compound Movements, Isolation Exercise…yes, we love it, it feels great, it gives us an enviable physique, adrenaline courses through our body, dopamine is released…the problem is, not every lift is sexy. Today we are going to discuss the importance of wrist work.

If you have weight in your hands then your wrist is a factor in the lift. Ignoring the wrists is a dangerous prospect. You want to work on your wrist mobility and strength every single day. Arnold famously said “abs every day” but he also said you should be doing wrist curls every single day.

The key lifts for wrist strength will be barbell wrist curls, reverse dumbbell wrist curls and dumbbell wrist rotations.

So today’s challenge is not going to be a glamours one, but it is one you absolutely should be doing.

Barbell Wrist Curl 5×15

Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Curl 5X15

Dumbbell Wrist Rotations 5×15


This will add time to your workout and it isn’t the most fun lift, but as you start seeing gains in your wrists the strength will translate to all other lifts as well as every day activities. Once you get a sense for your weights in these rep and set ranges you should add a wrist set to your routine every single day.


Comment below to let me know how your wrists are doing.



Lou Skunt

Excellent Addition to any Workout! It’s never too early to incorporate these exercises into your routine.

The older I get, I find these exercises to be more and more vital. When I was in my 20’s, I relied on heavy back and bicep work to stimulate forearm growth and hand/wrist strength. Now that I’m in my mid-40’s, I’ve come to incorporate much more wrist work into my routine. Not only have these movements greatly improved my strength as I’ve gotten older, but they have assisted me in alleviating pain in the wrists and Epicondyles.


Will add these in to my workouts. 15 days to go motherfuckers!!

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